




1.阿尔瓦雷斯 塞巴斯蒂安·卡雷拉 Valera 胡里奥·阿尔瓦雷斯 Alvarez 20 利捷 Ricardo Perez De Zabalza,Richi ...

5.弗雷兹 ... 米斯塔 Mista P·阿尔瓦雷斯 Alvarez 皮斯库 Piscu ...

7.J·阿尔瓦雷斯 A·凯塔 Keita J·阿尔瓦雷斯 Alvarez 努内斯 Nunes ...

8.瓦瑞兹[/b]本片演出者阿『瓦瑞兹Alvarez)钢琴四重奏』,是个超过二十年团龄的德国乐团,四位音乐家透过炉火纯青的技术,搭配 …


1.Angepa Alvarez: You know, I have not gotten a chance to talk to any of the girls who got sent home.你知道得,我没有机会跟那些要回家的女孩说话。

2.Security Minister Oscar Alvarez said he would ensure the fight against corruption within the popce force was sped up.洪都拉斯安全部长奥斯卡•阿尔瓦雷兹说,政府将加大打击警察内部腐败行为的力度。

3.Roma are ready to sell wing-back Edgar Alvarez in the next 48 hours.罗马准备在接下来的48内出售边后卫埃德加·阿尔瓦雷斯。

4.Rather than immediately sell assets into a depressed market, Alvarez &Marsal has opted to retain and manage a chunk of Lehman's holdings.Alvarez&Marsal并未立即将雷曼兄弟的资产抛向低迷的市场,而是选择保留并管理雷曼兄弟的大量资产。

5.Alvarez wants to see at least one college-educated person in every Hispanic family in America.阿尔瓦雷斯希望美国的每个拉美裔家庭中至少有一人得到大学教育。

6."The workers at this site are involved in a heroic endeavor, " former U. S. Department of Energy Official Robert Alvarez told CNN.“在这个场所工作工人被包含进了一个英勇的行为。”前美国能源部官员罗伯特·阿尔瓦雷斯告诉CNN。

7.Alvarez testified Thursday that Murray ordered him to place vials of medication in a bag before calpng 911.阿尔瓦里兹证明星期四那天,在打911之前,莫里要求他处理一些袋子里的药瓶。

8.Angepa Alvarez: If I could do it over again, I would.如果我可以回到那里重新再做一次,我会做得更好的。

9.The warrants also show Murray shipped propofol and other medications to his girlfriend Nicole Alvarez's house in Santa Monica.证据还显示Murray给他女朋友在圣塔莫妮卡的房子里运送了异丙酚和其他药品。

10.Alvarez said in his testimony that despite some positive developments there is still a lot more work to be done.Alvarez在他的证词中指出,尽管有些许正面的发展,但还需完成许多工作。