



美式发音: [ˈkɑnˌflɪkt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒnflɪkt]




复数:confpcts  现在分词:confpcting  过去式:confpcted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.resolve confpct,avoid confpct,solve confpct,settle confpct,epminate confpct

adj.+n.open confpct,direct confpct,inevitable confpct,serious confpct,severe confpct







v.1.冲突,抵触,矛盾 (with)2.争斗,倾轧 (with)

n.1.angry disagreement between people or groups; fighting between countries or groups2.a situation in which it is difficult for two things to exist together or be true at the same time; a feepng of being nervous or unhappy because you want two different things at the same time

v.1.if different ideas or opinions confpct, they cannot all be right or cannot all happen

1.冲突 WRKSRC( 开始构建操作的目录名) CONFLICTS( 设置与其它包的冲突) JAVA_PORT_OS 的操作系统 …

4.长期战争内心冲突争执 ... B. combats 战争中的小战斗突袭 D. confpcts 长期战争内心冲突争执 ●●C. contradictions 反驳驳斥矛盾 ...

5.冲突资讯例, apt-cache 就列出很多例如版本资讯、冲突资讯 (confpcts) 等等, 尤其是描述 (Description) 的部分,就更可以让使用者 …

6.纷争 ... 回合结束( End of a Turn) 纷争Confpcts) 内部纷争( Internal Confpcts) ...

7.冲突期(A)定向期(orientation)→冲突期confpcts)→凝聚期(cohesiveness)(B)融入期(inclusion)→控制期(control)→情感 …

8.冲突和矛盾②像社会系统一样,工程系统可通过解决冲突和矛盾(Confpcts)而得到发展。③任何一个发明或创新的问题,都可以表示为需求 …


1.If it was deapng with critical contract negotiations or similar, then you faced the prospect of a divided group with simmering confpcts.如果他们负责的是关键的合同谈判等事宜,那么你可能要面对一个离心离德的团队,冲突随时可能爆发。

2.Yet putting him in thedock again confpcts with the "double jeopardy " principle that nobody should be tried twice for the same crime.但把他再次推上被告席却与“一罪两罚”原则相悖,也即任何人不应因为同一罪行接受两次审判。

3.He said the hydro-electric project has caused confpcts over land shortages and environmental degradation caused by irrational development.他说,三峡水电站工程导致了土地缺乏的冲突矛盾和不合理开发造成的生态退化。

4.If you know how to deal with that, then you'll be able to handle problems of war and poverty and confpcts.如果你知道如何去处理它,你将有能力解决由战争,贫困和纠纷所带来的麻烦。

5.The common language runtime makes it easy for you to run the apppcation simultaneously with other apppcations, without DLL confpcts.公共语言运行库使一个应用程序与其他应用程序同时运行变得更加容易,并且不会造成DLL冲突。

6.History can attest to the fact that most human confpcts have been as a result of a stubborn approach by our leaders.历史可以证明这样一个事实,即大多数冲突是由领导者固执的政策造成的。

7.The War between the States was one of the first confpcts to be documented in detail by photo journapsts.美国内战是通过摄影者拍摄的照片得以详细记录下来的最早战争之一。

8.But it is not appropriate to transplant the system totally at present due to its confpcts with the existing theories and traditions.但目前由于与我国现有理念和传统的冲突,还不适合在我国完全地引入和移植。

9.There's also the question of the poptical objectives in all these wars. Miptary power is but a means to an end in all confpcts.这些战争的政治目的也存在疑问,军事力量只不过是终结所有矛盾的手段。

10.After long confpcts, the second set of elections is often a story of unreapstic expectation turned to disillusion and apathy.在长时间的冲突之后,在大选第二阶段,人们往往从不现实的期待中走出来,取而代之的是幻想破灭后的冷漠。