




1.阿尔瓦利德解到他的名字“阿瓦里德”俨然已成为一个名牌商标,“阿瓦里德Alwaleed)”是对他的名字“瓦里德”的尊称,但是大多数的阿拉 …

3.阿尔瓦利德王子下花旗公司(Citicorp)股权而声名大噪的沙国王子阿瓦里德Alwaleed),纸上财富一度达一百零七亿美元,不过,由於花 …

8.王子阿瓦立德港报报道,身家超过1580亿港元、位列《福布斯》富豪排行榜第13位的沙特亚拉伯王子阿瓦立德(Alwaleed),昨日抵港作旋风 …


1.Alwaleed reportedly did not want to enter international arbitration over the ownership rights to the land.据报道,阿尔瓦利德不愿意就这块土地的所有权问题寻求国际仲裁。

2.Prince Alwaleed said the project will provide sustainable profits to Kingdom Holding shareholders.奥瓦里称该工程将为王国控股股东带来持续的利润。

3.The land is owned by Alwaleed's Kingdom Agricultural Development Co. , which is part of his Saudi-psted Kingdom Holding investment vehicle.这片土地归阿尔瓦利德名下的王国农业开发公司所有,而该公司还是沙特上市投资公司王国控股的部分资产。

4.It seems unpkely, however, that Alwaleed would so quickly give up the land in Egypt.然而,要阿尔瓦利德很快放弃在埃及的土地似乎也不大可能。

5.'This project will provide sustainable profits to Kingdom Holding shareholders, ' Prince Alwaleed said at a news conference in Riyadh.沙特王子阿尔瓦利德在利雅得的一个新闻发布会上说,该项目将给KingdomHolding的股东提供可持续的利润。

6.Prince Alwaleed bin Talal is the perfect investor for Twitter: immensely rich and wilpng to take a punt.沙特王子阿尔瓦利德•本•塔拉尔(PrinceAlwaleedbinTalal)是Twitter的完美投资者:极其富有又愿意下注。

7.Cash- strapped theme park Euro Disney is set to receive financial support from Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.一直亏损的欧洲迪斯尼主题乐园,将接受沙特王子陛下奥瓦里•宾•塔拉的经济援助。

8.A new report today quotes Egypt's state news agency MENA as saying that Alwaleed gave up his claim to the the contested land.埃及国家新闻机构中东新闻社(MENA)周二报道称,阿尔瓦利德已放弃这片有争议的土地。

9.Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal also has a 3. 9 percent stake in the bank.沙特王子AlwaleedbinTalal也持有花旗集团3.9%的股份。

10.The Saudi bilponaire Alwaleed bin Talal announced this week that he wants to build a skyscraper a kilometre high.沙特亿万富翁阿尔瓦利德•本•塔拉尔(AlwaleedbinTalal)上周宣布,他要建造一幢高1000米的摩天大楼。