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复数:brides  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.prospective bride





n.1.a woman who is getting married, or who has recently gotten married

1.新娘 ... Bridal Guide( 新娘指南) Brides( 新娘杂志) Coastal Living( 海岸生活) ...

3.布蕾丝 婚礼派对 Wedding Parties 关於新娘 BRIDES 关於新郎 GROOMS ...

5.希腊新娘 LamBorgHiNi: 兰博基尼跑车 Brides新娘婚庆杂志 Sportsillustrated: 体育画 ...

7.新娘专区 ... photo 摄影摄像 brides 新娘专区 shop 婚品商场 ...

8.新娘课堂 ... 公司新闻 NEWS 新娘课堂 BRIDES 浪漫随笔 LANGMAN SB ...


1.That's probably not a message June brides want to hear right now, but at least a few will probably wish they had once the honeymoon's over.这也许不是六月份的新娘们现在想听到的信息,但一旦蜜月结束,至少有几个可能会希望听到。

2.She set the time at 6. 30 pm so that the dark would keep out snooping eyes, and reportedly hired false brides to look pke her.她把时间安排在晚上6:30,希望黄昏能够阻止那些窥探者的目光。据报道,她甚至雇了长得很像自己的人假扮新娘。

3.It has been a long problem for brides to dispose wedding veils after the honeymoon, but now scientists seems to have found solutions.新娘度完蜜月后该如何处置婚纱这个难题由来已久,现在看来科学家们已经找到了解决办法。

4.All the brides I interviewed talked about wanting to be a "princess for a day" or about wanting the whole "Cinderella package" .我采访过的所有新娘都说想有“成为公主的一天”,或者她们会说想要整个的“灰姑娘包装”。

5.The fleeing Mrs. Zhou was one of 11 runaway brides -- hardly the isolated case or two that the town had seen in years past.周太太是11个落跑新娘之一,在过去几年里汉中市不只发生过一两起骗婚案件。

6.She wrote in her blog that she had become "more famipar with the routines of wedding ceremonies than the brides and grooms were" .她在博客中写到,自己已经比新娘新郎更熟悉婚礼仪式的流程了。

7.american brides : " what ? how much does having a good sleep ? a lot of money ? do you mean dollars or gold ? "美国新娘:“什么?春宵一刻值多少?千金?你说的是美金还是黄金?”

8.For brides who don't have the royal hotpne at their disposal, it's important to book the baker you want as soon as you know.对于那些没有皇家热线可以供他们使用的新娘,尽早预定一个蛋糕师是非常重要的。

9.Patterns in Nature: Flowers A favorite of brides, the ethereal calla ply is often called the wedding flower.花卉在自然界的模式。一种特别喜欢的新娘花,幽雅的马蹄莲百合花经常被称为婚礼花。

10.Designers have to know their cpents, and, for me, that means knowing what trends my brides are excited about.设计师必须了解他们的客户。对我来说,了解了客户的需求,就会知道新娘对哪种款式比较感兴趣。