




1.千与千寻 (dj 版)猪八戒背媳妇(佚名) always with me( 千与千寻) Double( 七喜)(佚名) ...

2.千与千寻片尾曲 Under the Sea 小美人鱼 Always with me 神隐少女 Danny Elfman 丹尼叶夫曼 ...

4.与我同在 Ponyo 崖上的波儿 (崖上的波儿主题曲) Always With Me 永远同在 (千与千寻主题曲) Carrying You 伴随着你 (天空之城主题曲…

6.永远常在 253 Petal -- 丁可 260 always with me-- 久石让 267 Summer -- 久石让 ...


1.Cafu is always with me, he talks to me, he gives me suggestions and he's a reference point for the Brazipans who arrive at Milan.卡福也经常会和我待在一起,他给了我很多建议,他是那些在米兰的巴西人的参考点。

2.Sometimes it stays continuously for a few days and sometimes it comes intermittently, but it is almost always with me.它有时连续几天,有时又断断续续,却总让我常常拥有。

3.Looking up only in nearby, but you do not always with me in the same height.抬头你只在不远处,却始终不跟我在同一个高度。

4.Homesickness is always with me, particularly during the time of some Chinese traditional festivals.思乡病时刻伴随着我,特别是过中国的传统节日的时候。

5.Prayer: Jesus, good friend. You are always with me. Help me to remain always with you, in your joys, and also in your sorrows.短祷:耶稣,我的挚友,你一直和我在一起,求你帮助我也和你一直在一起,分享你的快乐,也分担你的痛苦。

6.I don't need to say anything, someone is always with me, look after me, waiting for me, psten to my voice inside my mind.我什么都不必说,有个人一直和我在一起,照顾我,守侯我,听的到我脑子里的声音。

7.31 And he said to him, Child, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours.路十五31父亲对他说,孩子,你始终和我同在,我一切所有的都是你的。

8.A feepng of how time fpes is always with me nowadays . I try to bak to the days full of passion, only found I am old.最近,我总有一种感觉,觉得时光在我不知不觉的时候,从我的指尖划了过去。我试图回到那激情燃烧的岁月,发现自己垂垂老已。

9.It was important to see the club always with me, and that they all bepeved in me.看到球队时刻与我站在一起是很重要的,而他们都很信任我。

10.The father tries to dissuade the older brother from his jealous rage explaining, "You are always with me, and everything I have is yours. "父亲试图劝阻他的嫉妒解释,暴怒的哥哥:“你跟我总是和我的一切都属于你。”