




1.哈特雷斯 Spyker 世爵 Hatteras 哈特雷斯 Wally 沃利 ...

2.哈特拉斯 ... 哈特勒本 Hartleben 哈特勒特 Hatteras 哈特吉尔 Hartgill ...

7.哈特拉斯堡的头两年,北方海军攻占了南方的几个重要港口:北卡的哈特拉斯堡Hatteras)和罗阿诺克岛(Roanoke Island)、南卡的 …

8.游艇 Harveys 雪利酒[英] Hatteras 游艇[美] Hellman’s 蛋黄酱[美] ...


1.The main road near Cape Hatteras was washed away in at least two places, leaving many people unable to travel.至少在两个地方的哈特拉斯角附近的主要道路被冲毁,使许多人无法前往。

2.That means Cape Hatteras and other parts of the islands could face huge waves, beach erosion and maybe some property damage overnight.这意味着凯普哈特勒和岛屿的其他部分可能面临巨大的海浪,海滩侵蚀和一些财产损失可能在一夜之间。

3.'It's clear that the Fed is out of bullets, ' said Bob Worthington, president of Hatteras Funds.投资解决方案提供商HatterasFunds的总裁沃辛顿(BobWorthington)说,美联储显然已经无计可施了。

4.Think global warming will raise the oceans enough to submerge Cape Hatteras*?你觉得全球变暖能让海水上升到足以淹没哈特拉斯角的程度吗?

5.Beach grass sprouts from sand dunes at Cape Hatteras in North Caropna.在北卡罗莱纳州的哈特拉斯角的海滩上,海滩草正从沙丘上发芽。

6.Late Thursday, "Danny" was centered 485 miles from Cape Hatteras, North Caropna. Maximum sustained winds of 45 miles an hour.周四午后,“丹尼”风暴的中心已距北卡哈特拉斯角485英里,最大持续风速为每小时45英里。

7.Late Thursday, "Danny" was centered 485 miles from Cape Hatteras, North Caropna.至周四为止,“丹尼”风暴中心距离北卡哈特拉斯角485英里。

8.On Hatteras Island, winds started to drive the rain sideways by about 9: 30 pm and roadside signs were shaking.关于哈特勒特岛,风开始,以推动及路边招牌雨侧身约晚上9:30在颤抖。

9.At 11 pm ET, the center of Earl was 115 miles southeast of Cape Hatteras and moving north-northeast at about 18 mph.东部时间下午11时,伯爵中心是东南115英里的哈特拉斯角和移动约18英里东北偏北的。

10.At 10am EDT, top winds observed at Cape Hatteras on the Outer Banks of North Caropna were 53 mph, gusting to 73 mph.东部时间上午10点,检测到北卡罗林州外海岸的的哈特拉斯角的最高风力为每小时53英里,阵风到每小时73英里。