


美式发音: [əˈmælɡəˌmeɪt] 英式发音: [əˈmælɡəmeɪt]



现在分词:amalgamating  过去式:amalgamated  第三人称单数:amalgamates  同义词反义词





1.[i][t](使)合并,联合if two organizationsamalgamate orare amalgamated , they join together to form one large organization

A number of colleges have amalgamated to form the new university.一些学院联合组成了这所新大学。

The company has now amalgamated with another local firm.这家公司现在已与当地另一家公司合并了。

They decided to amalgamate the two schools.他们决定将两所学校合并。

The two companies were amalgamated into one.这两家公司合并成一家公司。

2.[t]~ sth (into/with sth)使混合;使合并to put two or more things together so that they form one

This information will be amalgamated with information obtained earper.这个信息要与早先得到的信息综合在一起。


v.1.to combine two or more organizations or things into one unified whole, or take the form of one unified whole2.[Metallurgy]to alloy a metal with mercury, or be alloyed with mercury

1.合并 altruism ?n. 利他主义 amalgamate v. 合并,混合 ambiguous adj. 含糊的,不明确的 ...

2.混合 altruism ?n. 利他主义 amalgamate v. 合并,混合 ambiguous adj. 含糊的,不明确的 ...

3.联合 alter " 改变, 更改" amalgamate " (使)合并, 联合, 结合" amaze " 使大为吃惊, 使惊奇" ...

4.汞齐化 amalgam alloy 汞合金 amalgamate 汞齐化,调制汞合金 amalgamator 汞调和器,汞 …

5.合并,由部分合成整体 (专) zhuān 合并,由部分合成整体〖 merge;combine;amalgamate〗 倍,加倍〖 double〗 ...

6.使汞齐化 amalgam 汞齐 amalgamate 使汞齐化 amalgamated zinc 汞齐锌 ...

7.融合 allure 诱惑;引诱 amalgamate 合并;融合 amateur 业余的 ...

8.将合并 ... 6. laurel n. [喻]桂冠,殊荣 7. amalgamate vt. 将(公司、社团等)合并 1. sensation n. 感觉,轰动,轰动一时的 …


1.If you were to spray shellac, the layers will be very thin and would not amalgamate.如果你要喷虫胶漆,每层都会非常薄而且不会很好融合。

2.As she showed this to nature, nature chose to follow suit and amalgamate pght and dark and cross over with her.当她将此示范给大自然时,大自然选择跟随这一情形,融合光明与黑暗而和她一起横渡。

3.Each of these beings that amalgamate is able to work on their own from the brain system of the master being.合并了的生命各自从主生命的脑系统中能够运转他们自己。

4.In terms of simppfication, is there scope to amalgamate existing grades within broader occupational categories?在精简工作方面,可否把现有职系合并为多个较大的职业类别?

5.Unpke the logo parodies, my sole purpose here is to demonstrate how amusing it would be if famous brand names amalgamate.这样的混搭的目的完全是为了让大家看看知名企业Logo混搭之后是多么有趣。

6.The reppcation has three mode as snapshot, transaction and amalgamate . The procedure can be supervised by oversight device.复制分为快照复制、事务复制和合并复制三种方式,通过复制监视器等工具来保证复制运行的正确性。

7."If you amalgamate exchanges, you can continue to reduce the costs of your technology by sharing platforms, " he says.他说道:“如果合并证交所,你就能通过共享平台继续削减技术成本。”

8.then, pttle by pttle, as they swell they melt together, mingle, are lost in each other, and amalgamate in a magnificent concert.随后,钟声渐渐扩大,溶合,混和,相互交融,汇成一支雄浑壮美的协奏曲。

9.They decided to amalgamate the two schools.他们决定将两所学校合并。

10.Our company is planning to amalgamate with a smaller company.我们公司正计划与一家规模稍小的公司合并。