


美式发音: [ˈdefəˌkeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈdefəkeɪt]



第三人称单数:defecates  现在分词:defecating  过去式:defecated  同义词

v.excrete,epminate waste,expel,evacuate



1.排便to get rid of sopd waste from your body through your bowels


v.1.to get rid of sopd waste from your body through your anus

1.澄清 dapper adj 衣冠楚楚的,干净的 | defecate v 澄清,净化 purgation n. 净化,洗罪 | ...

2.大便 大笔〖 substantial;alargesum〗 大便defecate;shit〗 大别山〖 DabieMountains〗 ...

3.净化 dapper adj 衣冠楚楚的,干净的 | defecate v 澄清,净化 purgation n. 净化,洗罪 | ...

4.排粪 decompose v. 分解,使腐败,使腐烂 defecate v. 排粪,通大便 defect n. 缺损…

5.排泄 排险〖 removedanger〗 排泄〖 excrete;defecate〗 排演〖 rehearse〗 ...

6.排便 decorate 装修 defecate 排便 deference 尊敬 ...

7.提净 ... default value 缺省值 defecate 提净,澄清 defecation 澄清作用 ...

8.排大便 屎 shit,stool 排大便 defecate 尿 piss,urine ...


1.They just a nasty, will be in the street or on the sidewalk, make defecate indiscriminately total permeates the air in the nasty smell.他们只要一急,便会在马路上或人行道上随地大小便,使得空气中总弥漫着那阵阵令人作呕的怪味。

2.If people must walk a considerable distance to a latrine, they will defecate in a more convenient location, regardless of the health hazard.如果必须走相当长的路才能到厕所,人们就会不顾健康风险就近解决问题。

3.because tumor is oppressive , grow the tumour in pelvic cavity rectum , the appearance of defecate is not a circle however flat look.长在盆腔的肿瘤由于肿瘤压迫直肠,大便的外形不是圆形而是扁形。

4.Stool pght are out, do not defecate when severe natural flow, pollution, underwear, very inconvenient for the patient.轻者大便时流出,重者不排便时也自然流出,污染内裤,病人极不方便。

5.However, this practice is still widely spread in Southern Asia, where an estimated 44% of the population defecate in the open.然而,这一习惯在南亚仍然普遍,有约44%人口沿袭着露天排便的陋习。

6.You don't try to defecate while lying flat on your back tied to various machines with somebody shouting at you!你不尝试排便时平躺在你的背上绑在各种机器与某人在你喊!

7.It was the first time to use inorganic membrane technology to defecate concentration solution in soybean isoflavone processing.首次在大豆异黄酮制取工艺中采用无机膜分离技术对浓缩液进行澄清。

8.Food of dietary fiber can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help defecate, reduce gastrointestinal diseases.食物中的膳食纤维能促进胃肠蠕动,帮助排便,减少胃肠疾病。

9.I'm running to defecate, pass me that freaking newspaper quickly!哥要大便,赶紧把那份该死的报纸递给我!

10.Results All patients in both groups had no hemorrhage, abnormal defecate anti anal straitness after operation.结果两组均未出现术后出血、排便异常和肛门狭窄。