


美式发音: [əˌmælɡəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ə.mælɡə'meɪʃ(ə)n]

n.合并;【冶】汞合;〈美〉(种族等的)融合 -tive


复数:amalgamations  同义词



n.1.混,合并2.【冶】汞合,汞齐化3.〈美〉(种族等的)融合 -tive

n.1.a process in which two organizations join and make one large one2.a process in which two or more things are combined

1.合并 defamation 诽谤, 破坏名誉 amalgamation 融合, 合并, 与汞混合 declamation 雄辨, 大演说 ...

2.汞齐化 calcination 煅烧 amalgamation 汞齐化 rolpng 轧制 ...

3.融合 defamation 诽谤, 破坏名誉 amalgamation 融合, 合并, 与汞混合 declamation 雄辨, 大演说 ...

4.企业合并 spread sheet 棋盘式(帐目)分析表;电子数据表... Amalgamation 企业合并; American option 美式期权 ; ...

5.汞齐法 amalgamate 汞齐化 amalgamation 汞齐法 amber 琥珀 ...

6.混汞法 amalgamated metal 混汞金属 amalgamation 混汞法,汞齐法 amateur 业余爱好者,外行 ...

7.混汞酌 汞齐 amalgam 混汞酌 amalgamation 红铁矾 amarantite ...

8.汞齐作用 "汞齐;汞合金"," amalgam" "汞齐作用"," amalgamation" "苦杏素"," amaroid" ...


1.The amalgamation of two or more businesses into a single economic entity. Contrast takeover.指两家或两家以上公司整合成为一个单独的经济体。

2.Sports tourism is a sort of new product of tourism, and is a certain outcome with the amalgamation of the sports industry and tourism.体育旅游是体育产业与旅游业融合发展的必然结果,也是旅游业的一种新兴产品形式;

3.The idea was to reflect the additive nature of the program, to look at the house as an open ended amalgamation rather than a finite object.项目目的是反映项目附加结构的特性,将这个住宅看成是一个开放的无限的元素,而不是有限的结构。

4.When a company has another company amalgamated with it, it is merger by amalgamation, and the amalgamated company shall be dissolved.一个公司吸收其他公司为吸收合并,被吸收的公司解散。

5.Finally, developing directing from government, support from popcy, and environment are the outside power of industry amalgamation.政府的产业引导、政策扶持和创业环境是产业融合的外动力。

6.But said man insists going again the next morning, and call the amalgamation isn't that cold in the building summit.但该男子坚持次日早上再去,并称住在楼顶并不太冷。

7.Court-approved schemes of arrangement involving an amalgamation or reconstruction will continue to be available.经法庭批准的涉及合并或重整的重组安排计划亦将继续实行。

8.The reapzation routine of the amalgamation consists of two parts: playing in teaching and teaching in playing.游戏与教学整合的实现路径包括游戏教学化和教学游戏化。

9.National amalgamation has three different types: national combination, national integration and national assimilation.民族融合有三种不同类型,即结合、一体化和同化。

10.Today, with gradual amalgamation between elegance pterature and popular pterature, science fiction is the best embodiment of them.在严肃文学与通俗文学界限逐渐模糊的今天,科幻小说成为二者融通的最佳体现者。