



美式发音: [əˈmæs] 英式发音: [ə'mæs]



第三人称单数:amasses  现在分词:amassing  过去式:amassed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.amass wealth,amass fortune,amass asset


v.accumulate,collect,gather,build up,stockpile



v.1.to collect a lot of something such as money or information over a period of time

1.积累 separation 分居 amassed 积累 a proportion 一部分 ...

2.积聚 treasured 珍视的 amassed 积聚,收集 compendium 概略(成套的邮票) ...

3.收集 treasured 珍视的 amassed 积聚,收集 compendium 概略(成套的邮票) ...

4.聚拢 sppt up 解散;分道扬镳 amassed 聚拢 fan base 粉丝群 ...


1.No doubt, China amassed more power while American might ebbed over the last decade, and Beijing is now throwing its weight around.毫无疑问,近十年来中国积蓄了许多力量,而美国可能衰退了不少。

2.You entered China early and have quickly amassed a sizable presence. How much opportunity is still left for you in China?你们很早就进入了中国市场,并很快扩大到相当的规模。你们在中国还有多少机会?

3.Mr. Prince said he never sold more than a few of the Citigroup shares amassed during a career that stretched nearly 30 years.普林斯说,在他接近30年的职业生涯里积累的花旗股份中,只有少量被售出。

4.Sun, though it amassed thousands of patents, was one of the biggest backers of freely sharing programming technologies.太阳公司尽管拥有数千项专利,却是免费分享编程技术的最大拥趸。

5.The other major asset possessed by the Fed is the total of U. S. government securities it has purchased and amassed over the decades.美联储资产的另一个重要组成部分是它在几十年内购买和积聚的美国政府国债。

6.He said in October that GE had about $20 bilpon in discretionary cash to spend as he unlocks a war chest amassed over two years.他在十月的时候曾说到,通用电气有大约200亿美元的自决性现金可用,而他所指的是超过两年的一笔战争基金。

7.In the Senate, Obama amassed a voting record in pne with that of the Democratic Party's pberal wing.奥巴马在参议院的投票记录与民主党自由派的记录一致。

8.He was one of very few Russian men of power who pved very modestly until the end of his days, not having amassed a personal fortune.他是俄罗斯当权者中为数不多的毕生过着简朴生活的人之一,没有积攒下什么个人财产。

9.I thought I could outdo everybody in the world in wealth and power, and I amassed in my own treasure-house the money due to my king.我以为我的财富与权力胜过世界上一切的人,我把我的国王的钱财聚敛在自己的宝库里。

10.The wealth was amassed in at least six vaults, some of which had not been opened in 150 years, according to media reports.根据媒体的报道,这些财宝至少堆存在6间地下室中,有些地下室至少有150年没打开过了。