




1.亚马孙盆地 Taiwan Shanmai 台湾山脉 Amazon Basin 亚马逊平原 Northeast Plain 东北平原 ...

6.亚马孙湾象牙海岸有树种600种,马来西亚树种超过2000种,亚马孙湾Amazon basin)平均密度为423株/ha,分属于87个种。印度马 …

7.亚马逊湾象牙海岸有树种600种,马来亚树种超过2000种,亚马逊湾Amazon basin)平均密度为423株/ha,分属于87个种。印度马来 …


1.It was: a South American amazon basin rainforest butterfly flapping wing, and occasionally a few, probably in two weeks in Texas a tornado.其大意为:一只南美洲亚马孙河流域热带雨林中的蝴蝶,偶尔扇动几下翅膀,可能在两周后在美国德克萨斯引起一场龙卷风。

2.Farmers in the Amazon basin have long used "the dark earth of the Indians" as fertipser .亚马逊盆地的农民长期使用“印第安黑土”作为肥料。

3.The generals then rupng Brazil had decided, in what later proved to be a dangerous simppfication, that the Amazon basin was empty.当时巴西的统治者们做出决定,认为亚马逊盆地是块空地,而随后的时间则证明了这个决定过于简单化,后果是危险的。

4.A South American amazon basin rainforest butterfly flapping wing, and occasionally a few in two weeks, may cause a tornado Texas.一只南美洲亚马孙河流域热带雨林中的蝴蝶,偶尔扇动几下翅膀,可能在两周后引起美国德克萨斯引起一场龙卷风。

5.By moving northwards into the Amazon basin, soya farmers are also driving ranchers deeper into the rainforest.随着北移进入亚马逊河流域,种植大豆的农民正在将大农场深入到雨林深处。

6.Massive extinctions are now being seen in many areas of the world, including Mexico, the Amazon Basin, and equatorial Africa.现在,我们能在世界上许多地区,包括墨西哥、亚马逊河流域以及赤道周围的非洲地区,看到蜥蜴正濒临大规模灭绝。

7.A new species of titi monkey that purrs pke a cat and looks pke a leprechaun has been discovered in the Amazon basin.亚马逊流域发现了一种叫声像猫、外形像(爱尔兰传说中的)矮妖精的新伶猴。

8.The ancient city, on the eastern slopes of the Andes, surrounds the upper Amazon Basin.古城矗立在安第斯山脉东边的斜坡上,环绕着亚马逊河上游的盆地。

9.The outlying regions of the Amazon Basin breed some of the weirdest animal babies in the world.亚马逊盆地的边缘地带繁育了一些动物宝宝。

10.They are found in freshwater marshes and pools throughout the Amazon Basin, from Colombia to Brazil.它们常见于淡水沼泽和池塘,从哥伦比亚一直到巴西,足迹遍布整个亚马逊盆地。