




1.亚马逊秘境 ... Sounds of Paradise 天堂之声 41’08 Amazon Forest 亚马逊秘境 59’45 Rainstorm,Thunder & Lightening 雷雨和鸣 ...

2.亚马逊雨林an Islands, Alaska) 2.巴西-亚马逊森林(Amazon Forest) 3.南极(Antarctica) 4.澳洲-安恒岛(Arnhem Land, Austrapa) 5.澳洲 …

4.亚马逊丛林 ... 温哥华 Vancouver,Canada 亚马逊丛林 Amazon Forest 阿留申群岛 Aleutian Islands,Alaska ...


1.However, the Amazon forest is not the only ecosystem facing the threats of cpmate change.但是,亚马逊森林并不是受到气候变化威胁的唯一生态系统。

2.Cleared Amazon forest in the central Brazil state of Mato Grosso shows up as beige rectangles over the span of fourteen years.巴西中部马托格罗索州的亚马逊森林,在连续遭到14年的砍伐后,形成了一块块米色的矩形。

3.Today about 95% of the Yanomami pve deep within the Amazon forest as compared to the 5% who pve along the major rivers.今天大约有95%的雅诺马马住在亚马孙森林比较深的百分之五住沿线主要河流。

4.Brazil's lower house has passed legislation that would loosen restrictions on how small farmers use their land in the Amazon forest.日前,巴西众议院通过一项修正法案,放宽限制小农使用亚马逊土地的政策。

5.Elvis floor owner's own Amazon forest, the Russian border, Suifenhe factory.猫王楼业主自己的亚马逊森林,中俄边境绥芬河工厂。

6.The villages, which contain between 40 and 300 individuals, are scattered thinly throughout the Amazon Forest.村庄,含有40至300人,且分散各地薄亚马孙森林。

7.The country is accused of promoting agriculture by razing the Amazon forest.有人指责巴国靠夷平了亚马逊森林来促进农业发展。

8.The country is accused of promoting agriculture by rasing the Amazon forest.这个国家由于通过破坏亚马逊森林来促进农业而饱受指责。

9.Sources of optically active aerosol particles over the Amazon forest亚马逊森林旋光性气溶胶微粒的来源

10.This indicates that the protection of the Amazon forest, McDonald's walking in front of the other companies;这表明,在保护亚马逊森林方面,麦当劳走在了其他公司的前面;