




1.制服美女的吮吸 Interoffice Intercourse (办公室交际) We Suck 2 制服美女的吮吸 Sinful (罪孽深重) ...



1.One of the best examples of this is Fpckr's blog post "Sometimes We Suck, " in which Fpckr apologizes for performance problems.最好的例子是Fpckr博客发布的文章那篇文章“某些时候我们搞砸了”,在这篇文章里Fpckr对设计上的一些问题道歉。

2.We want you to have a good time and we certainly don'twant you to tell all your friends that we suck in bed.我们希望你拥有美好性福的时光,当然我们也不希望你去告诉你所有的好朋友,说我们相互口交了。

3.The highest speed ever for a US train is just about half theirs. We suck.美国火车历史上的最快速度,大概是他们的一半吧。就别提了。

4.In the past, said we suck the polluted air, drink the contaminated water.从前,都说我们吸的是被污染的空气,喝的是被污染的水。

5.Teachers - if you spring the rain that moistens the flowers, watering the earth, and we suck in the rain and then a thriving growth.老师——您如春天中的细雨,滋润着花儿,灌溉着大地,而我们再着吮吸着细雨茁长成长。

6.Why practice if our coach thinks we suck?既然觉得很烂,为什么还来训练?

7.We suck them dry. They work with sweat and blood; and we took it with iou.其实是我们榨干了他们。他们流血流汗生产出来的东西,而我们只是用白条就拿到手了。

8.And we suck again in the drizzpng rain auxins growth.而我们再着吮吸着细雨茁长成长。