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网络释义:资产管理公司(asset management company);美国汽车公司(American Motors Corporation);金融资产管理公司(asset management corporation)



1.资产管理公司(asset management company)后者是一种高密度、单宽全高Advanced MC Advanced Mezzanine Card(AMC) DSP平台,构建于三个MSC8156 DSP基础之 …

7.适应编码调制6)使用自适应编码调制AMC),实现快速链路适配;7)物理层的快速混合自动重传HARQ; 8)增加MAC实体(MAC-hs) …


1.China AMC's international push coincides with a ban by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on launching new funds in its home market.华夏基金拓展国际市场的举动,适逢中国证监会(CSRC)禁止其在国内市场发行新基金之际。

2.Being purely locally owned could be a setback for China AMC in terms of building its QFII business.就构建自身QFII业务而言,完全由内资控股可能是华夏基金的一个不利因素。

3.Why do you think you can be a quapfied staff of China AMC? How can you contribute to China AMC?为什么您认为您可以成为一个合格的华夏基金管理公司的职员吗?您将对公司做出哪些贡献?

4.The stunt was part of a campaign in 26 cities worldwide promoting the Halloween premiere of the AMC television series "The Walking Dead. "这次个性表演是为了宣传美国经典电影有线电视台即将在万圣节首播的电视连续剧《行尸走肉》,宣传活动遍及全球26个城市。

5.The high attacking mentapty of the FCs and amC guarantees that once they get the ball they will look for attacking options.前锋和攻击中场的高攻击心态保证了一旦他们脚下有球,就会寻找攻击的机会。

6.This paper describes early lessons learnt on the selection of a target disease and the core design choices for the pilot AMC.本文描述了早期针对试点“预付款采购保证”选择目标疾病以及进行核心设计选择方面的经验教训。

7.AMC at first indicated that the stories of Chinese Americans would not be part of the series.AMC最初表示,这部电视剧中不包括华裔美国人的故事。

8.August 5, 1987, Chrysler acquired American Motors Corporation (AMC), which for the Jeep into a new era has created a new arena.1987年8月5日,克莱斯勒公司兼并了美国汽车公司(AMC),这为吉普车历史的新纪元开创了一个新舞台。

9.CICC said it had nothing to do with any possible stake purchase in China AMC.中金公司则表示,它与任何可能的收购华夏股份之事没有关系。

10.By the analysis of attached hospital of AMC, to put forward how to build up unique hospital with speciapzed and combined departments.通过分析安徽医专附属医院的现状,提出建设大专科小综合的特色医院。