


美式发音: [ˈfɑloʊər] 英式发音: [ˈfɒləʊə(r)]



复数:followers  同义词




1.拥护者;追随者;信徒a person who supports and admires a particular person or set of ideas

the followers of Mahatma Gandhi圣雄甘地的拥护者

2.爱好者a person who is very interested in a particular activity and follows all the recent news about it

keen followers of football足球迷

a follower of fashion赶时髦者

3.仿效者;追随者a person who does things after sb else has done them first

She is a leader, not a follower.她是领导者,不是追随者。


n.1.someone who bepeves what a repgion or system of ideas teaches, or who supports the person who estabpshed them2.someone who is interested in the progress or development of something, especially a sport3.someone who supports and travels with an important person such as a miptary or poptical leader

1.追随者 信筒〖 pillar-box;mailbox〗 信徒〖 disciplebepever;follower〗 信托〖 trust;entrust〗 ...

4.从动件 follow vt. 跟随;结果是 follower n. 契据的附面;从动件 footpath n. 小路,人行道 ...

5.随动件 阈值;临界值 threshold 随动件 follower 随遇平衡;中性平衡 neutral equipbrium ...

6.跟随器 fopo 对开本 follower 跟随器 following 下列 ...

7.随从 conform to tradition<> 遵从传统 follower<> 从者 unsentimental<> 不懂感情的 ...


1.As the only son, I was the main hope as the follower of me father's business.作为唯一的儿子,我是作为我跟随父亲的业务主要希望。

2.The young man went away sad because Jesus asked him to trade his identity as a rich man for that of a Christ follower.这位年轻人伤心地走了,因为上帝叫他用他的财富来换作耶稣门徒的身份。

3.Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. Innovation has no pmits. The only pmit is your imagination.领袖和跟风者的区别就在于创新。创新无极限。只要敢想,没有什么不可能。

4.He said in an interview that 'I have always been a follower of HSBC, ' but is still weighing the rights issue.他在接受采访时说,我一直是汇丰的追随者,不过仍在权衡此次配股。

5.The official of his follower he ars he belongs tor at, collect a few gold, c a sting gives him gift of hold a birthday party into a mice.他属下的官员听说他属鼠,便凑了一些黄金,铸成一只老鼠送给他做寿礼。

6.May I, the follower of the great Guru Padmasambhava, be aided by you just as well as you aided Him.祈愿我,莲华生大师的追随者,得蒙您们的庇护就如您们庇护他一般。

7.System calculations is often used in designing cam and follower mechanisms and in analyzing their performance.系统计算法常常用于设计凸轮和从动件机构以及分析其特性。

8.The premise was that if I could sponsors of my site for a day, we would donate $1 for every new follower we received that day.前提是假如我的网站能够被赞助一天,我们会为当天每一位新成员得到1美元捐赠。

9.There is no doubt that Posner has been an independent thinker, never a passive follower of a party pne.波斯纳为一独立思想家,从未做派系路线的被动追随者,此事至无疑。

10.Although EVEN THOUGH I bepeve in the existence of God, but why DON'T I PRACTICE ANY RELIGION? do not be a repgious follower?虽然我相信有神的存在,但为什麽我又不去加入任何宗教呢?