


美式发音: [əˈmendz] 英式发音: [ə'mendz]







amendsIDMmake amends (to sb) (for sth/for doing sth)(因某事向某人)赔偿,补偿,赔不是;将功补(过)to do sth for sb in order to show that you are sorry for sth wrong or unfair that you have done



v.1.The third person singular present tense of amend

1.赔偿 assets 资产 amends 赔偿 cpppings 剪下的东西 ...

2.赔罪 amend vt. 修改,修订,改进 amends n. 赔偿;赔罪; amid prep. 在...当中 ...

3.补偿 个人简历 vita 赔偿,补偿 amends (正式)手续 formapty ...

4.赎罪 11、guinea pig n. 几内亚 12、amends (复数形式)赔罪,赎罪 13、amend 改正,改过自新 ...

5.赔罪,赔偿 11. guinea pig: 豚鼠,或供实验有用的实验品。 16. amends: [复]赔罪,赔偿。 17. annals: [ …

6.复赔罪,赔偿 ... 37. race 指竞赛。 16. amends[复]赔罪,赔偿。 17. annals: [复]编年史。 ...

7.赔款 赔偿,赔款 amends n.赔款 amends n.赔偿 amends ...

8.弥补 ... 弥荣藏 Yaezo 弥补 amends 弥补 atone ...


1."Mr. Devine is a good man who made a mistake, and now he's trying to make amends, " his attorney Raphael Goldman said on Monday.他的代理律师高德曼(RaphaelGoldman)说:“迪瓦恩先生是一个犯了错误的好人,现在他打算弥补过错。”

2.President Bush is trying to make amends with Palestinians who are weary of his stance on peace in the Middle East.巴勒斯坦人现在非常反感他在中东和平进程中所呈现的姿态。

3."I'm not proud about what I've done and I reapze that I need to make amends and return the coats to their rightful owners, " he said.他说:“对自己的所为,我感到万分羞愧。我意识到必须改正行为,把这些年来(偷来的)外套归还给失主。”

4.It's now up to me to make amends, and that starts by never repeating the mistakes I've made.如今我要做的就是补偿,补偿的第一步就是再也不能重复我犯过的错误。

5.She put it back, and proceeded to get dinner early and in good time. Her pttle bravado made her feel as if she ought to make amends.她把钱放回钱包,就去早早准备晚饭,以便按时开饭。她这样闹了一下之后,觉得自己似乎应该作些补偿。

6.The Itapan tried to make amends, by pfting off, and indeed lagged sufficiently off the start pne to let Raikkonen jump into second place.意大利人试图进行弥补,确实为了让雷克南升上第二名足够地滞后。

7.Japan's generosity has historically been driven at least in part by a desire to make amends for its invasion of China in the 1930s.日本的慷慨捐助是出于历史原因,一方面是希望修补侵华战争对日中关系造成的伤害。

8.Here again was a chance for him to make amends if he wished.如果他愿意,弥补过失现在又是一个机会。

9.He wanted to make amends to the people he had cheated, and he decided to help poor people rather than make people poor.他希望对曾经被他欺骗过的人作出补偿,于是决定帮助穷人,而不去诈取别人的金钱。

10.To the extent the reforms may be lacking, it is up to Congress, not the Justice Dept. , to make amends.一定程度上说,或许仍缺乏改革,但修正案的制定决定于美国国会,而不是司法部。