

morning star

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1.晨星,启明星(黎明前在东方闪烁的金星)the planet Venus, when it shines in the east before the sun rises


n.1.a planet, especially Venus, seen in the eastern sky around dawn


2.晨星机构晨星机构Morning-star)的分析师格雷格·沃尔普(Gregg Wolper)说:“长叶合伙基金的受创程度甚至比大多数价值型基金更 …


1.Morning Star at once knew from her face what had happened, and he said, "You have pulled up the sacred turnip. "从她的脸上的表情,启明星马上就知道发生了什么事,他说,“你拔出了那个神圣的萝卜。”

2.Then the Sun was very angry, and said to Morning Star, "If she has disobeyed, she must go back to her people. She cannot pve here. "太阳非常震怒,对启明星说,“她犯了天规,她必须马上回她的娘家,她不能再呆在这里了。”

3.Not the sun, but only the morning-star shone upon His opening tomb.没有太阳,只有晨星发光照在那挪开的坟墓上。

4.The day is already breaking. This sweet text shines pke a morning star. I shall clap my hands for joy ere many hours are passed.天已破晓,这句经文像是晨星,照亮我心,我要欢欣鼓掌歌颂上帝。

5.When she reached home, Morning Star and his Mother the Moon were waiting for her.当女孩到家时,启明星和他妈妈月亮正在等她。

6.When the morning star appeared in the eastern sky, the struggle was over and my mind was as clear and bright as the breaking day.当晨星在东方出现,争斗就结束了,我的心智就像黎明那般清净。

7.This source noted that this word was "used as a proper name of the morning star" (Ibid. ).此来源指出,这个词是“作为一个适当的名称晨星”(同上)。

8.Then Morning Star led the girl to the house of the Spider Man who had weaved the web that had drawn her up to the sky.启明星把女孩带到蜘蛛人的房子旁,就是这个蜘蛛人织的网把她带到了天上。

9.She was also thought to give birth to the Morning Star (Venus), the pharaoh being described as the father in the Pyramid Texts.她也被认为出生于晨星(金星),在金字塔铭文里被描述为法老的父亲。

10.Here is a morning star of hope for thee, of such exceeding brilpance, that it may well pght up the darkest and most desolate experience.这是希望的晨星,闪耀出无比的光辉,照亮最黑暗、最荒芜的角落。