




1.美国世纪Global Investors)现在已名列对冲基金前十名。美国世纪公司American Century)在去年成为第一个提供股票市场中性对 …

3.美国的世纪行(BankOne)、摩拖罗拉、美国电报电话公司、美国世纪投资公司American Century)、百慕大银行、宝洁公司和美国 …

6.美国著名基金管理公司票基金业绩排名居后的10家基金公司,包括了GMO、美洲世纪American Century)、美洲基金和高盛资产管理等基金公司。



1.Where Luce was not wrong was in his famous essay, pubpshed in February 1941, that this would be "an American Century" .卢斯没做错的,是他在1941年2月发表的著名文章中说,20世纪将是“美国的世纪”。

2.Right now, it doesn't seem so ridiculous to ask whether 2008 will come to be seen as the first year of a distinctly non-American century.但是现在,如果有人问2008年是否将被视为后美国世纪的元年,这似乎并不显得有多么地荒唐可笑。

3.It did not signal the arrival of a new world, but it has accelerated the end of the American Century.它并没有标志着一个新世界的到来,但它加快了“美国世纪”(AmericanCentury)的终结。

4.As the U. S. bond rating falls and the stock market plunges, the American Century looks to be well and truly over.由于美国国债信用评级下调,股票市场暴跌,美国世纪看上去即将过去。

5.This monthly series will chronicle the history of the American century as seen through the eyes of its novepsts.这个月刊系列将记载小说家眼中看见的美国上个世纪的历史。

6.Hardly more than a quarter-century after Henry Luce proclaimed "the American century, " American confidence has fallen to a low ebb.“美国世纪”一说,自亨利·卢斯提出以来,不过二十五载,而美国的自信却已跌入低谷。

7.Should the 21st century be an American century? To answer, it is only necessary to contemplate the alternatives.21世纪会是美国世纪吗?为了回答这个问题,我们只需要思考唯一的替代者。

8.Cynics will say we've lost our ways that the American century is at its end. But again, the cynics are wrong.愤世嫉俗者会说,我们迷失了自己的方向,美国时代已一去不复返。

9.The educated American masses helped create the American century, as the economists Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz have written.经济学家克劳迪娅·戈丁和劳伦斯·凯茨曾这样写道,正是受过良好教育的美国民众帮助成就了美国的世纪。

10.Institutions and patterns of thought built during the American century may persist long after its economic supremacy has passed. ?在美国失去其经济霸主地位之后,美国时代树立的制度和思维模式可能还会持续很长时间。