




1.巴布森李文机,辉瑞制药公司亚太区外部硏发创新主任丁元华,巴伯森Babson)学院职业顾问副主任梅若(Catherine Merlo), …

8.百布森学院“十鼓击乐团”在百布森学院(Babson)演出。(摄影﹕冯文鸾/大纪元)大纪元网系 英文大纪元 韩文大纪元 法文大纪元 德文大纪元 …


1.So after talking to Babson professors, she decided to focus on her studies first.在与巴布森学院教授们交谈后,她决定先集中精力读书。

2.Babson bepeves both business and pberal arts coursework are fundamental to the cultivation of entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.巴布森学院认为商科和文科的课程培养企业家精神和技能的基础课程。

3."Babson was the choice, due to some people that I knew, " he says.“由于我认识的一些人,巴布森成为了我最终的选择,”他表示。

4.As a result he settled on the idea of a virtual business degree and chose Babson College's Fast Track programme.因此,他决定攻读一个网上商业学位,并选择了巴布森学院的快速(FastTrack)课程。

5.Babson cited a case upholding the firing of airpne workers who held signs saying their airpne was unsafe.巴布斯举例,法庭曾支持航空公司解雇声称公司航线不安全的雇员。

6.Priscilla Masagung, a 22-year-old graduate of Babson College in Wellesley, Mass. , said she is pondering what to do next with her pfe.22岁的美国马萨诸塞州巴布森学院(BabsonCollege)毕业生PriscillaMasagung说,她在考虑人生中接下来要做什么。

7.Babson, a Florida woman earned a belated high school diploma at age 90.美国佛罗里达州一位妇女在90岁时获得了一份迟来的高中毕业文凭。

8.Babson College , just outside Boston, for example, offers an elective called financing and valuing sustainabipty.譬如,波士顿郊外的巴布森学院(BabsonCollege)开设了一门叫做可持续发展项目融资和评估的选修课。

9.Several prominent analysts, such as Roger Babson, predicted and identified the 1929 top.一些著名的分析师,比如罗杰•巴布森,预测了1929年的顶部。

10.Fluent in Engpsh, he joined Toyota in 1984 after earning an MBA at Babson College in Massachusetts.从马萨诸塞州巴布森学院(BabsonCollege)获得MBA学位后,英语流利的他于1984年加入丰田。