




1.美式幽默 ... The Good Wife 《傲骨贤妻》 American humor 美式幽默 Big Bang Theory 《生 …

2.美国式幽默 63.Afternoon Tea 下午茶 64.American Humor 美国式幽默 65.Tailcoat 燕尾服 ...

3.美国幽默美国时间周二宣布,蒂娜·菲将被授予马克·吐温奖的“美国幽默”(American Humor)奖,这对于刚刚满40岁的蒂娜来说是最好的 …


1.But if you know what to look for, you can learn to appreciate American humor.不过你若能掌握诀窍,就可以学会欣赏美式幽默。

2.Magazines play a very critical role in prosperity and development of American humor.杂志对于美国幽默的繁荣发展起到了很关键的作用。

3.A question I find interesting is when people ask me about British humor versus American humor.我发现一个很有趣的问题,人们曾经问我英式幽默与美式幽默哪种更强大?

4.People often assume that if Chinese humor does exist, that it doesn't relate to American humor.人们经常假设,如果中国式幽默确实存在,那它也与美国式幽默毫不相干。

5.This year he was awarded the Kennedy Center's Mark Twain Prize for American Humor.今年,他获得了肯尼迪艺术中心马克.吐温美国幽默奖。

6.American humor is founded largely on hyperbole.美国式的幽默主要以夸张为基础。

7.The pun , or the play on words, is a basic part of American humor.双关语,或称作玩弄文字游戏,是美式幽默中一个基本的部分。

8.Debby, thank you so much for the book on American humor you gave me.戴比,非常感谢你给我的那本关于美国幽默的书。

9.Introduction A American humor often confuses the Chinese.美国人的幽默经常使中国人很困惑。

10.I think I know what it is; it's American humor!我想我知道这是什么意思了,这是美式幽默!