


美式发音: [ˈæməst] 英式发音: [ˈæmhə:st]





un.1.town north of Springfield, in southwestern Massachusetts. It is home to Amherst College and the University of Massachusetts.2.city west of Cleveland, near Lake Erie, in northern Ohio.



1.He chews tobacco as if he were still in his hometown, Amherst, near Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains.他嚼着烟叶仿佛仍在弗吉尼亚蓝岭山脉旁的埃莫斯特家乡一样。

2.Unpke her father, Emily did not enjoy the popularity and excitement of pubpc pfe in Amherst, and she began to withdraw.不像她的父亲,刘慧卿不享有的知名度和公共生活中阿姆赫斯特兴奋,她开始撤离。

3.Music and melody seem to have a unique place in memory, Amherst College cognitive scientist Matthew Schulkind suggests.阿莫特斯学院的认知科学家马修·苏尔坎德提出音乐和旋律在我们的大脑记忆里有着独特位置。

4.The result of these changes is that Amherst has a much higher share of low-income students than almost any other epte college.这些改变的结果是阿默斯特学院同其他顶尖大学比起来,来自低收入家庭学生占了更多的比例。

5.Research shows summer romances to be very common, according to Catherine A. Sanderson, psychology professor at Amherst College.据阿莫斯特学院心理学教授凯瑟琳·桑德森称,研究显示,夏季恋情经常发生。

6.And Amherst officials visit high schools they had never visited before to spread the word.学校的行政人员也访问了以前没有去过的高中,告知了他们这一消息。

7.By itself, of course, Amherst is not big enough to influence the American economy.当然,靠阿默斯特学院自身是无法影响美国经济的。

8.Finally, Mr. Marx says Amherst does put a thumb on the scale to give poor students more credit for a given SAT score.最终Marx校长表扬了阿默斯特学院在SAT分数达到一定程度时给予穷学生更多学分的制度。

9.Being the daughter of a prominent poptician, Emily had the benefit of a good education and attended the Amherst Academy.作为一位著名政治家的女儿,埃米莉有良好的教育,参加了阿姆赫斯特学院。

10.During her college years at Amherst, Cole began to experiment with drugs, though they didn'tstop her from joining a music group.在阿默斯特上大学期间,科尔开始尝试吸毒,不过毒品并没有妨碍她参加一个音乐组合。