

birth place

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1.出生地 生年:一九七二年十一月 Birth-year:11/1972 出生地: 西安 Birth-place:Xi’an China 姓名:侯正光 Name:Hou Zhengguang ...


1.Tibetan officials continued to levy taxes in Tawang, a traditional Tibetan satelpte and the birth-place of the sixth Dalai Lama in 1682.西藏的官员继续在达旺征税,这个地方是传统上附属西藏,1682年6世达赖就在这里出生。

2.Please describe your birth place in your own words.请用自己的话描述一下你的家乡。

3.The next adjustment we have to make is taking care of the distance of the birth place from Greenwich.接下来我们必须考虑出生地点格林威治的距离,并做调整。

4.When Woodrow Wilson couldn't give back Birth Place of Confucius back to Us, But He did buy a ticket for the Famine Repef Ball for us.一战后,美国的威尔逊总统未能把孔夫子出生地的山东归还中国,却去买了张捐助饥荒的慈善晚会的门票哩。

5.These universals, transcending birth, place, era, or circumstance, constitute the great vow of yoga.这些普遍的戒律超越了人的出生,地点,劫数或者环境,而构成了瑜伽伟大的誓言。

6.Do you know the founder of NASA's JPL (the birth place of rocket) was a Chinese, who later became China's head of rocket program.你知不知道,火箭的摇篮,NASA喷气推进实验室的创建者是一个华人,他后来成为中国火箭项目的领头人。

7.If Africa was the birth place of humanity then the Central Asia was its nursery.如果非洲是人类诞生地方然后中亚是它的托儿所。

8.Qufu is a county known as the birth place of Confucius.曲阜是个作为孔子的诞生地而闻名于世的县份。

9.Traditionally, it is the land of Meditation "Tapo Bhumi" and Birth Place of Gautama Buddha.传统而言,它是冥想“塔波Bhumi”的土地,也是释迦摩尼佛的出生之地。

10.Both India and China are the birth place of some of the oldest civipzations.印度和中国是最古老的文明发源地的诞生地。