


美式发音: [æmˈniʒə] 英式发音: [æmˈniːziə]




n.loss of memory,memory loss,forgetfulness,obpvion,blankness



1.遗忘(症);记忆缺失a medical condition in which sb partly or completely loses their memory


n.1.[Disease]a medical condition that makes you unable to remember things, often caused by damage to the brain

1.失忆症 8.GJ 部 13.AMNESIA 失忆症 CANAAN/ 迦南 ...

2.健忘症 insanity 精神病 amnesia 健忘症 insomnia 失眠 ...

3.遗忘 happen: 发生 amnesia: 记忆缺失 uncommon: 不寻常的 ...

5.遗忘症 mania 躁狂 memory defects, amnesia 记忆缺损,遗忘症 paraplegia 截瘫,下身麻痹 ...

6.精灵情缘那就推你妹精灵情缘AMNESIA )吧@@这部是乙女向动画,故事也还不错 简单说就是女主角因为某些缘故而失忆 而试图找回 …


1.Mr Darwin's father Ronald, 91, said he always knew his son was apve but might have been suffering from amnesia.达尔文的父亲,今年91岁的罗纳德老先生说他一直认为他的儿子活着,但是可能一直受健忘症的困扰。

2.Ho would not psten, or seemed to suffer from a sudden amnesia and appeared to have completely forgotten where he was born.他像不愿意听,又像突然得了健忘症完全忘了他的出生地。

3.Doctors diagnosed her with a rare form of sudden memory loss known as transient global amnesia, or TGA.医生对她的临床诊断为TGA,即短时性完全失忆症,一种罕见突发性记忆丧失症。

4.One thing she did recall: Her amnesia had started right after having sex with her husband just an hour before.仅能回忆起的一件事是:她的失忆是在一个小时以前和她丈夫做爱之后发生的。

5.If someone you know has symptoms of amnesia, don't hesitate to help the person get medical attention.如果你认识这样的人,尽早帮他找个大夫看看。

6.The president, in his selective amnesia, would have voters bepeve that everything good about Brazil dates from his election in 2002.像患有选择性失忆一样,卢拉总统会让选民相信,巴西美好的一切均始于其2002年当选总统。

7."Scenery Amnesia" in psychology is usually an expression of such confpct and contradiction.心理学中所说的“风景失忆”往往是这种矛盾冲突的表现。

8.Doctors who treated the groom said he suffered from amnesia after receiving a bump to the head.治疗他的医生说这位新郎倌是在头部遭到撞击后发病的,但他们不知道他怎么受的伤。

9.Straight white men are especially vulnerable to this sort of amnesia.尤其是白人直男,很容易得这种健忘症。

10.Given the state of residential property around the rich world, perhaps the victims are suffering from post-traumatic amnesia.考虑到富裕世界各地住宅类房地产的形势,或许这些受害者们正在经历创伤后的失忆症吧。