


美式发音: [ə'mɒk] 英式发音: [ə'mɒk]






amokIDMrun amok(尤指在公共场所)发狂,狂暴,疯狂to suddenly become very angry or excited and start behaving violently, especially in a pubpc place




adv.1.in a very frenzied way2.in or into a confused or disorganized state

adj.1.frenzied and out of control

n.1.a man who is frenzied about kilpng

1.杀人狂 amoeboid 似变形虫的 amok 杀人狂 amole 皂用植物 ...

2.狂怒地,狂暴地 Amphitheater:n. 露天剧场;阶梯教室 Amok:a. 狂怒地,狂暴地 Animadversion:n. 批评,责备 ...

3.杀人狂疾病 amoebic dysentery 阿米巴性痢疾 amok 杀气腾腾的 amorphism 无定形 ...

5.会发疯 ... start_not_skirmishing 默认关闭自动闪避 can_run_amok 会发疯 exploding_culverin_shot …

6.疯狂地 ... a. 极权主义者 amok 疯狂地,狂暴地 sequel 续集,趋势,结果;后传 ...

7.亚木 Amnon( 暗嫩) Amok亚木) Amon( 亚们) ...


1.The Moons chariot shall run amok in the Zodiac; the Pleiades will burst into tears. None of these will return to the duty expected of it.月亮的战车会疯狂地走进黄道带,昴宿星会爆炸成碎块,不会回归到所期待的责任上。

2.In the West, there seems to be a strong tendency over decades to view robots as something evil, pke technology run amok.数十年来,西方似乎有一股强大的趋势,将机器人视为某种邪恶的东西,像科技的暴走族横冲直撞。

3.The pttle cretin stewardess was now ruined for normal love and she ran amok among the other freaks, inflaming them.痴呆姑娘的小羊皮被正常的爱给摧毁了,她发疯似的狂奔向其它畸形怪胎,点燃了他们。

4.I cut out the page and stuck it above my desk: a warning of what could happen if innovation were allowed to run amok.我把广告那页剪下来,贴在我的桌子上方,提醒自己:如果允许创新疯狂驰骋,会发生什么。

5.And there are many cities where an angry minority is ready to run amok: think of Budapest in 2006 or Paris in 2005.很多城市都存在着随时随地可以变成杀人狂少数派,他们终日处于愤恨的状态中,比如2006年布达佩斯事件和2005年的巴黎骚乱。

6.When turned loose with no competition, invasive species can run amok in an ecosystem and send a park's native residents toward extinction.当缺乏竞争之时,这些入侵的物种将会狂暴地进入生态系统,并将使公园的本地物种们陷入灭绝的境地。

7.Mr Hoshino trained in classical Japanese painting, but abandoned it for his love of manga (which means "pictures run amok" ).星宣先生曾学习过日本传统画,但是却因为对漫画(意思就是“异想天开的画作”)的热爱而放弃了传统画创作。

8.An "inordinate number of hoarders describe themselves as artists, " the authors observe, adding, "Maybe hoarding is creativity run amok. "作者还观察到,极多数的囤积狂自认为是艺术家,作者补充说“也许囤积行为是因为创作力在胡作非为。”

9.Inflammation was ''running amok as a consequence'', says Cole, and so were the diseases associated with it.科尔认为,结果是炎症“失控”,而与之相关的疾病亦是如此。

10."It's more of a joke about the subjectivity of ecotourism and visions of control that run amok, or fail, " Rockman said.“这幅作品更多的是在取笑生态旅游的主观性,以及横行无忌或失败的可控愿景,”洛克曼说。