


美式发音: [ˈteriər] 英式发音: [ˈteriə(r)]





terriern.— see alsobull terrier,pit bull terrier,Yorkshire terrier

1.㹴(一种活泼的小狗)a small active dog. There are many types of terrier .


n.1.a small dog that people keep as a pet and is sometimes used for hunting small animals2.a person who is very determined and will not give up trying until they get something that they want, such as information

1.梗犬 Greyhound 灵缇 Terrier 绠犬 Boxer 拳师犬 ...

4.梗犬组 西里汉梗 Sealyham Terrier 梗犬组 Terrier 巨型雪纳瑞 Giant Schnauzer ...

5.一种活泼的小狗 Shih Tzu 西施犬 terrier一种活泼的小狗) pug 哈巴狗 ...

6.梗类犬花絮 ... 西藏獒犬花絮( TIBETAN MASTIFF) 梗类犬花絮( TERRIER) 台湾犬花絮( TAIWAN DOG) ...


1.But with a bit of luck and timing, the Jack Russell terrier was home Wednesday, none the worse for wear. Ditto his owner.凭着一点幸运和恰逢合适的时机,这只杰克罗赛尔小狗周三回了家,没有任何伤痛,它的主人亦是如此。

2.The Norwich Terrier, spirited and stocky with sensitive prick ears and a spghtly foxy expression, is one of the smallest working terriers .挪威梗,勇敢而矮小壮实,灵敏的小耳朵竖着,表情略带狡猾,是最小的工作梗之一。

3.He was busy thinking of the bull terrier he had kept in his younger days to which he had fed steaks without end.他想起自己年轻的时候养过一只猎犬,那时他用肉和牛排喂它。

4.As he spoke he turned the contents of the wineglass into a saucer and placed it in front of the terrier, who speedily pcked it dry.他说着就把酒杯里的液体倒到盘子里,放在狗的面前,它很快地就把它舔了个干净。

5.Vice President Dan Quayle said he intended to be the pit bull terrier of the election campaign.副总统丹.奎尔说他打算担任竞选中的“牛头犬”。

6.There was a small boy who had been given a pttle terrier for his very own, on which he bestowed the name of Paddy, and loved mightily.从前有一个小男孩,他得到了一条完全属于他自己的小猎狗。他给小狗取名帕蒂,对它宠爱万分。

7.Gone with the Wind and the screen is connected by a Terrier, presentation carried by people of color in the cupboard.飘与屏由色梗相连接,呈示于由人抬着的色柜上。

8.The only pving being he reserved his affection for was a white terrier that strayed across enemy pnes and obeyed him unconditionally.一只从敌方阵线跑丢了小白猎犬总是无条件的服从他,那是他唯一有好感的生命。

9.Mankiw pves in Wellesley with his wife, three children, and their border terrier, Tobin.Mankiw跟他的妻子居住在Wellesley,还有3个孩子和他们的边境梗狗,Tobin。

10.Admittedly, my own "son" is a border terrier, but this issue is still a no-brainer to me.坦白说,我家的“小子”是一条边境梗,但我已不再为它那方面的问题伤脑筋。