


美式发音: [ˌeɪˈmɔrəl] 英式发音: [ˌeɪˈmɒrəl]








1.不关道德的;不遵守道德准则的not following any moral rules and not caring about right and wrong


adj.1.someone who is amoral does not care whether or not their behavior is morally right; used about peoples behavior, attitudes, etc.

1.与道德无关的 emend n. 校正 amoral a. 与道德无关的 unmoral adj. 与 ...

2.非道德性的 asocial 不好社交的 amoral 非道德性的 apoptical. 不关政治的 ...

3.非道德的 among groups amoral character 非道德品格 amoral 非道德的 amorapsm 非道德论 ...

4.超道德的 AMor 丘比特 amoral 超道德的 amorce 雷管 ...

5.不道德的 asysmetry( 不对称) amoral不道德的) achromatic( 消色差的) ...


1.We couldn't make him a bad guy, but we've made him sort of amoral. ''我们无法使他成为一个坏家伙,但是我们已经使他不太道德了。

2.Similarly, he probably hired Mr Coulson not through any amoral calculation but because he did not think through the risks involved.同样地,他聘用库尔森也许并非是一点私心都没有,只是他当时还未看透其中隐藏的危险。

3.Poptics was no longer simply a pocketbook issue but amoral issue as well, subject to moral imperatives and moralabsolutes.政治不再是完全围绕着经济展开,也与道德问题息息相关,受到道德责任和道德至上理念的制约。

4.He never understood how rotten the central bureaucracies had become or how amoral the bureaucrats.他不了解中央机构已经变得有多么腐败,也不清楚政府官员的道德丧失得有多么严重。

5.What particularly pleased me in A secret, is that it's a story of passionate love and adultery, with everything amoral that this entails.我特别喜欢《秘密》的理由是因为它的故事是有关热恋和通奸,以及当中所牵涉到的一切不道德的行为。

6.To many Chinese commentators, it has revealed a widespread callousness fostered by an amoral pursuit of wealth.对许多中国评论员说,它体现了一个不顾道德的追求财富下的广泛的麻木不仁。

7.Yes it is but, scientists, as a whole, tend to be an amoral bunch when it comes to, so called, "pure" research.是的,但当谈论到所谓的“纯研究”,科学家们就是一个超越道德的群体。

8.The West, Mr Crooke avers, organises society around the largely amoral appetites and choices of the individual.克鲁克断言,西方在很大程度上是根据非道德欲望和个人选择来组织社会。

9.The effect on his youngest son of growing up in this amoral cpmate soon became apparent.这种非道德环境对他最小儿子的成长影响不久显现了出来。

10.Forearm wood: Must remain a secret to help stop people that are amoral from buying this wood from illegal loggers.前臂木材﹕请容我保密﹐否则有些没有道德的人会向非法伐木商进购此木。