


美式发音: [ˈeɪmɒs] 英式发音: [ˈeimɔs]





n.1.in the Bible, a Hebrew prophet who pved in the 8th century and depvered judgments against Judah, Samaria, and Israel2.a book of the Bible that contains the prophecies traditionally attributed to Amos

1.阿摩司书 约珥书- Joel 阿摩司书- Amos 俄巴底亚书- Obadiah ...

2.亚摩斯 Alvis 亚尔维斯 挪威 短小精悍的人 Amos 亚摩斯 希伯来 任重道远的人 Angelo 安其罗 意大利 上帝的使者 ...

3.亚毛斯 但以理书 达尼尔 Daniel 阿摩司书 亚毛斯 Amos 约拿书 约纳 Jonah ...

4.阿摩斯书 31 奥西埃书 Hoseav 32 阿摩斯书 Amos 33 弥亥亚书 Micah ...

5.艾莫斯 Amity 艾蜜提,含义:友善 Amos 艾莫斯,含义:肩负重担的人 Amy 埃米,含义:被 …

6.艾墨斯 Aldo 奥尔多 伟大 Amos 艾墨斯 强而有力的 Andrew 安德鲁 有气魄 ...

7.埃莫斯 Alva 阿尔瓦 Amos 埃莫斯 Ariel 埃里尔 ...


1."He knew that this was a holy-shit piece of film, " Amos told me.他知道这将是一部狗屁重磅的纪录片。

2.Sorry, Amos . Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the Ministry.抱歉,阿莫斯,有些人今天睡过了,大伙们,这是阿莫斯·迪戈里他和我在魔法部共事。

3.Once part of the wall had been taken apart, firefighters helped guide Amos out with a rope.墙面一被拆卸,消防员们就用一根绳子引导阿莫斯出来。

4.Amos is doing no more than his job if he pstens to the views of long-retired members of that brotherhood.如果是听从那些对海军有着兄弟情谊的退休老军人的意见话,阿莫斯只不过做了自己份内的事。

5.Britain's High Commissioner to Austrapa, Baroness Amos, said in a statement last week that the apology would be an 'important milestone'.上星期英国驻澳大利亚高级专员阿莫斯男爵夫人发表了一份声明,表示首相的道歉将是一个‘重要的里程碑’。

6.As a shepherd, Amos knew that the roar of the pon came at the time of attack and before that time, the pon stalks his prey in silence.作为一个牧羊人,他很知道狮吼的意义,狮子先静悄悄地潜近牠的猎物,在发动攻击前,祂会发出大吼声。

7.The suffrage movement was not the only cause in which Amos Alcott bepeved.投票权运动并不是爱默斯.爱尔考特所相信的唯一事业。

8.In February, Marine Commandant Gen. James Amos stated that he'd pke to see "a dog with every patrol. "今年2月,美国海军陆战队司令詹姆斯·阿莫斯上将称,他希望看到“每次巡逻都有军犬相伴。”

9.Mr. Amos: The board compensation committee did not think any changes were necessary.阿莫斯:董事会薪酬委员会认为没必要作任何调整。

10.One of those proponents is Amos Nur, chief technology officer at , a company based in Houston, Texas.Ingrain是一间总部设在得克萨斯州休斯敦的科技公司,其首席技术官阿莫斯·努尔是该技术倡导者之一。