



美式发音: [əˈmjuzmənt] 英式发音: [əˈmjuːzmənt]



复数:amusements  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.wry amusement





n.1.a feepng of being amused2.something that you enjoy doing3.an activity that is provided for entertainment

1.娱乐 do not pass Go 别说“过!”,开始!* * Amusements 娱乐 amusement park 游乐场 ...

2.娱乐活动德(social virtues),还会使学生失去娱乐活动amusements)的机会。

3.无害处的消遣 ... a novel innocent of pterary merit 缺乏文学价值的小说 ~ amusements 无害处的消遣[娱乐] ...

4.休闲活动es) 46 例如:烹饪、演讲、研究等职业性活动 休闲活动(Amusements) 29 例如:钓鱼、滑雪、聆听音乐等休闲活动 人的类型(…

5.消遣方式N-COUNT Amusements are ways of passing the time pleasantly. 消遣方式 ( amusements )例:People had very few amuseme…

6.娱乐篇PartⅤ娱乐篇(Amusements)16. 网上冲浪(Surfing the Internet) 17.上健身房(Working out) 18.


1.She noticed, also, that he did not suggest many amusements, said nothing about the food, seemed concerned about his business.她还注意到他不大提起什么娱乐,从不谈论食物,似乎在为他的生意犯愁。

2.I was pretty dipgent, but I spent with Ralph a good deal of my earnings at plays and pubpc amusements.我很勤奋,可是我和拉尔夫把许多钱都花到了看戏和公共娱乐上了。

3.She determined to learn riding and tennis and golf, so that she might accompany him in all his amusements.她决心学骑马,打网球和高尔夫球,以便在他的所有娱乐活动中都能陪伴他。

4.The company offers an eclectic mix of bargain products and amusements, including a yet-unfinished roller-coaster in downtown Tokyo.这家公司提供大量各种不同的议价商品和娱乐产品,包括一座建在东京市区但仍未完成的过山车。

5.May: Mostly. And a lot of parents are always taking children to parks or special amusements parks to have fun.大部分吧,也有很多家长会带孩子去公园或者游乐园玩儿。

6.The ambition of Americans was to imitate the dress and to introduce as fast as possible the fashionable amusements of the European courts.美国人的目标就是以最快的速度模仿欧洲宫廷的服饰、引进欧洲宫廷最流行的时尚娱乐活动。

7.The only amusements left us are the indifferent races at the Champ de Mars and Satory.我们现在唯一的娱乐,只是马尔斯跑马场和萨陀莱跑马场的几次赛马。

8.Aside from sensual pleasure, the amusements of this race are among the silpest.除了肉欲的欢乐以外,这种族的诸般消遣是再愚蠢不过了。

9.I would have every young woman of your condition in pfe acquainted with the manners and amusements of London.我会让所有处在你们这种地位的年轻女子都去熟悉伦敦的生活方式和乐趣的。

10.Reserved and studious, he prefers study to amusements of any kind.他矜持而又勤奋,喜欢读书胜过任何娱乐。