




1.情事 Message in a bottle/ 瓶中信 An Affair/ 情事 Cast Away/ 荒岛余生 ...

2.汉城晚娘 漂流欲室 The Isle 汉城晚娘 An affair 绿洲 Oasis ...

3.婚外初夜 ... 狂走情死考 Kyoso Joshi-ko 情事정사 情逝 汉城娩娘 婚外初夜 婚前初夜 An Affair 炎炎夏日炎夏 Un Ete Brula…

4.汉城娩娘 ... 狂走情死考 Kyoso Joshi-ko 情事정사 情逝 汉城娩娘 婚外初夜 婚前初夜 An Affair 炎炎夏日炎夏 Un Ete Brula…

5.婚前初夜 ... 狂走情死考 Kyoso Joshi-ko 情事정사 情逝 汉城娩娘 婚外初夜 婚前初夜 An Affair 炎炎夏日炎夏 Un Ete Brula…

6.情逝 ... 狂走情死考 Kyoso Joshi-ko 情事정사 情逝 汉城娩娘 婚外初夜 婚前初夜 An Affair 炎炎夏日炎夏 Un Ete Brula…

7.事柄 ... 〈通知〉 a notice;news 〈事柄an affair 〈指令〉 instructions;orders ...

8.只是一段情令人震惊的是,基督教处理美国教牧涉及性侵犯,往往把涉及暴力的性侵犯罪行称为“只是一段情”(an affair),或者指那是“你情 …


1.Life is already ready to make an affair with you're your existence is the proof of that, but can you accept Life as your beloved?生活已经准备好与你谈恋爱,你的存在就是证明,但你是否能接受生活为你致爱?

2.Did you know he was having an affair and deceiving his wife?你知道他有外遇了吗?欺骗他的妻子吗?

3.When he knew his wife had an affair with others, he flew off the handle.当他得知妻子有外遇时,他勃然大怒。

4.Just eight months into their marriage, Amy and Cody Waddell had not been very amorous since Cody admitted he had had an affair.就在结婚的前八个月,阿米和考迪·瓦德尔并不显得情意绵绵,因为考迪承认自己有风流韵事。

5.Pubpc opinion turned when it was revealed that the president had an affair with a white house intern.当总统被揭示与一名白宫实习生之间有不寻常关系时,舆论转向了。

6.She might have been away with Summerville, he might have wanted to have an affair with her.她或许会和索姆威勒一起走,他也许想要和她发生关系。

7.By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair.到了她脸上看开心和惊讶,克莱尔知道格拉迪斯认为她有外遇。

8.had to resign after being caught having an affair with his secretary. Like some of his predecessors, he was found to have feet of clay.这位内阁大臣在与秘书私通时被抓住,他不得不辞职。如同他的几位前任一样,他也原形毕露了。

9.The press reported that Flowers had been paid for the story, and that she had vigorously denied an affair a year earper.据媒体报道,弗劳尔斯是因为有人付钱才把这事给捅出来的,一年前她曾拼命否认这则绯闻。

10.Having found out that his wife had an affair with another man, the poor man wanted to kill himself.那个可怜的男人由于发现他的妻子与另一个男子有私情而想自杀。