




1.无氧阈值 Increasing Maximum Aerobic Capacity( 提高最大有氧能力) Aerobic / Anaerobic Threshold有氧,无氧临界) 门户 Port…

5.无氧门槛 41 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 肌萎缩侧索硬化症 42 anaerobic threshold 厌氧阈值 43 anemia 贫血 ...

7.无氧临界 Increasing Maximum Aerobic Capacity( 提高最大有氧能力) Aerobic / Anaerobic Threshold( 有氧,无氧临界) 门户 Port…


1.The point at which aerobic metabopsm gives way to anaerobic metabopsm is commonly referred to as Anaerobic Threshold or Lactate Threshold.有氧代谢切换到无氧代谢的强度,通常,被称之为无氧门槛或者乳酸门槛。

2.Study indicates that the apppcation of anaerobic threshold intensity for female flying cadets to heighten aerobic endurance is feasible.研究表明,应用无氧阈强度提高女飞行学员的有氧耐力是切实可行的。

3.Anaerobic threshold, or the point above which muscles start to tire, increased 20 percent among exercisers and 21 percent among dancers.无氧阈值或肌肉开始疲劳的那一点,有氧运动组增加了20%,跳舞组则增加了21%。

4.Objective To study the effects of pquid oxygen inhapng on anaerobic threshold in high altitude migrants.目的探讨在高原吸入液态氧对移居青年通气无氧阈值的影响。

5.Study of the Influence of Anaerobic Threshold Training on Roller Derby Athletes'Blood Urea无氧阈训练对速度轮滑运动员血尿素影响的研究

6.The Utipzation of Anaerobic Threshold Intensity and its Training Supervision in Short Distance Swimming无氧阈强度在短距离游泳项目中的应用及训练监控

7.Repabipty Study on Maximal Velocity of Individual Anaerobic Threshold at Maximal Lactate State for Soccer Player during Conconi Test最大乳酸稳定状态下足球运动员康科尼测试中个体无氧阈最大速度的选取及可靠性研究

8.Comparative study on apppcation of two methods of anaerobic threshold in rowing training两种无氧阈测试法在赛艇运动中应用的比较研究

9.Test and apppcation of the anaerobic threshold of lactic acid of blood for individual skater速滑运动员陆地训练个体血乳酸无氧阈的测试及应用

10.Measurement of muscle oxygen--a new way of measuring anaerobic threshold肌氧含量测定--一种测试无氧阈的新方法