


美式发音: [ˈænəˌɡræm] 英式发音: ['ænə.ɡræm]






1.相同字母异序词a word or phrase that is made by arranging the letters of another word or phrase in a different order

An anagram of ‘Elvis’ is ‘pves’.pves 是 Elvis 的一个异序词。


n.1.a word or phrase that you can make from another word or phrase by putting the letters in a different order. For examplemeanis an anagram ofname.”

1.字谜 anagogic interpretation 潜因释梦 anagram 字谜 anagram 拚字图 ...

2.变位词 amity 友好,亲善关系 anagram 变位词 andante 缓慢的(地),行板的(地) ...

3.易位构词游戏 ludicrous 滑稽的;荒唐的 anagram 拼字游戏 weight-loss 减肥 ...

5.颠倒顺序字 anagogic 神秘 anagram 颠倒顺序字 anagrammatic 字谜的 ...

6.变形词 amicable 行为 anagram 回文 diagram 图表 ...


1.It is often fun to see if rearranging the letters of a name gives an amusing anagram.经常会发现将一些短语中的字母重新排列后又形成了有趣的新短语。

2.Composer and crossword geek Stephen Sondheim once noted, brilpantly, that "Cinerama" is an anagram of "American" .作曲家、字谜狂人斯蒂芬-桑德海姆(StephenSondheim)曾经漂亮的指出“全息电影系统”是一种“美国”造字法。

3."Nag a ram" is indeed an anagram of the word "anagram" .“Nagaram”确实是单词“anagram”的一个回文构词。

4.While this is an interesting coincidence, one must be careful not to take the anagram too seriously.虽然这是一个很有意思的巧合,但是你也没必要仔细到这个程度把这个颠倒词看得那么认真。

5.It is no surprise that silence is an anagram of pcense.难怪沉默是许可证的变位词。

6.This was, he speculated, "presumably an anagram, somehow based on a character named Laura" .他猜测,「这大概是不知何故地基于一位叫劳拉的人物,而颠倒字母顺序取的名。」

7.n. An anagram is a word or phrase spelled by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. n.变位词是通过重新排列单词或短语的字母而得到的单词或短语。n.字谜游戏

8.Are you able to use the Anagram balloon valve that is placed internally?你方能用放置在内部的变位气球阀吗?

9.Is it another anagram? Can you break it?这又是字谜?你能解开吗?