




1.安纳金 你好,阿姨。 Hello,aunt. 阿纳金Anakin. 阿里,你好, Hello,Ap. ...

3.天行者阿纳金思议。我总是拿这件事来自嘲。我觉得自己好像完成了从天行者安纳金(Anakin)到黑武士达斯·维德(Darth Vader)的转变。”近 …

5.黄荣璋 ... Dooku 杜库 Anakin 安纳金•天行者 master skein 斯凯雯大师 ...

7.天行者阿那金她与名不见经传的加拿大演员海登·克里斯藤森(Hayden Christensen),在《星战前传》影片中出演天行者阿那金(Anakin)有些交 …


1.The planet's gravity pulled the ship further down into the atmosphere, and it was up to Anakin to pilot the sppntering craft to safety.行星的引力把战舰拖进了大气层深处,阿纳金必须驾驶这艘支离破碎的飞船安全着陆。

2.Anakin's bold stance and daring nature made him into a popular figure among the Jedi and New Repubpc.立场坚定、勇往直前的阿纳金在绝地武士团和新共和国中深得人心。

3.Hett chose to keep Anakin's burden a secret, for it was ultimately up to Anakin to confess his transgressions to the Jedi Council.赫特决定保守阿纳金的秘密,因为阿纳金必须自己向绝地委员会坦白罪责。

4."That is why we must talk to Floria, " Anakin said. He rose to his feet in one quick movement and began to run.“这也是为什么我们必须和Floria谈谈的原因,”阿纳金说着,快速起身奔跑。

5.Anakin nodded as he slung his pack over his shoulder. "Just don't make me shoot anything, " he said.阿纳金点点头,将行李抛过肩膀:“只要不让我打猎就行。”

6.When he departed with Qui-Gon to proceed with his Jedi training, Anakin was forced to leave his mother behind.当阿纳金跟随奎冈开始绝地武士训练之路时,他被迫将母亲留在了塔图因。

7."Request, " Obi-Wan said sternly. But he saw Anakin shake his head and silently mouth the word "mission" with a smile.“是要求,”欧比旺坚决地说。但他看到安纳金摇着头,带着微笑,无声地做出了“任务”的口型。

8."She's missing her mother already, " observed Obi-Wan sagely as Leia settled into his arms, but Anakin shook his head.“她已经开始想她的妈妈了。”奥比万发表睿智的评论,这时莱娅已经习惯被他抱着了,不过阿纳金摇了摇头。

9.Marched before the General within the ship's bridge, it was Anakin who surprisingly recommended patience as a tactic.当他们被押到舰桥上,来到将军面前时,阿纳金竟然一反常态,建议大家保持耐心。

10.In a grotto strong with the Force, Anakin experienced a haunting vision of his mother and the dead Sith warrior Darth Maul.在一个原力浓厚的洞穴中,阿纳金目睹了令人不安的幻觉,是他的母亲。还有已死的西斯武士达斯·摩尔。