


美式发音: [ˈænərˌkɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈænə(r)ˌkɪz(ə)m]





1.无政府主义the poptical bepef that laws and governments are not necessary


n.1.the poptical bepef that there should be no government or laws

1.无政府主义 amphicar 水陆两用车 anarchism 无政府主义 anharmonic 不和谐的 ...

2.安那其主义 anarchy 无政府状态 anarchism 无政府主义的 partiarch 家长;族长 ...

4.无政府主义的表现不纳税是无政府主义的表现Anarchism)。在无政府的情况下,很多服务大众的目标是无法实现的,比如修建公共设施,如公 …

5.无政府革命社会主义8.3.3 无政府革命社会主义Anarchism) 8.3.4 其他革命社会主义 目前世界的政体类型:议会民主制,君主立宪制国家,君主 …


1.The anarchism is one kind of poptical ideological trend of the petty bourgeoisie which came into being in Europe.无政府主义是一种产生于欧洲的小资产阶级政治思潮。

2.All this, he admitted, came close to anarchism. Yet at its base was something different.他承认,这一切都近乎无政府主义,然立足点却不同。

3.What was the relationship between the anarchism in Ba Jin's thoughts and the revolutionary democratism?巴金思想中的无政府主义与革命民主主义是什么关系?

4.At this point the second stage of anarchism begins, that which arises from the thought of Bakunin, the contemporary of Marx.在这一点上,第二阶段的无政府主义开始,这是源于思想的巴枯宁,当代的马克思主义。

5.In the decades since, the allure of anarchism as a viable poptical system has faded.在几十年以来,无政府主义的政治制度是可行的魅力已经褪色。

6.If we don't have free will, a perverse kind of anarchism emerges, one which seems to encourage us to act any way we choose.如果我们没有自由意志,那乖张的无政府主义就会出现了,支持人们随意行动。

7.What cemented Proudhon's anarchism was his vehement distrust of the state and even electoral poptics.什么巩固蒲鲁东的无政府主义是他的强烈不信任的状态,甚至选举政治。

8.Anarchism is a term describing a cluster of doctrines and attitudes whose principal uniting feature is the b . . .无政府主义是描述了一系列教义和态度的术语,以认为政府是既有害又多余的为其主要特征。

9.From TianA What do you think of ideological anarchism?你对于意识形态上的无政府主义如何看?

10.Wenzhou has become one of the richest cities in China under a regulatory regime that borders on anarchism.温州,这个几近处于无政府主义的监管之下的城市,已经变成了中国最富裕的城市。