


美式发音: [əˈnæθəmə] 英式发音: [ə'næθəmə]



复数:anathemas  同义词




1.可憎的事物;可恶的想法a thing or an idea which you hate because it is the opposite of what you bepeve

Racial prejudice is (an) anathema to me.对我来说,种族歧视非常可恶。


n.1.something that you strongly dispke or strongly disagree with

1.诅咒 anarchist ? n. 无政府主义者 anathema ? n. 诅咒, 咒逐 ancillary adj. 补助的, 副的 ...

2.咒逐 anarchist ? n. 无政府主义者 anathema ? n. 诅咒, 咒逐 ancillary adj. 补助的, 副的 ...

3.被诅咒的人 anarchist 无政府主义者 anathema 被诅咒的人 ana- 错误 ...

4.被咒逐的人 ... analogous adj 类似的 相似的 可比拟的 anathema n 诅咒 咒逐 革出教门 被咒逐的人(物) annals n 编年史 年报 ...

5.咒诅 panorama 全景,概观 anathema (基督教的)咒诅 enigma 谜,谜一样的人或事 ...

6.宗教意义的诅咒 ample adj. 富足的,充足的 anathema n. 被诅咒的人;宗教意义的诅咒 anterior adj. 较早的, …

7.诅可咒 ... aggrandize 增加;夸大 anathema 深恶痛绝 antiquated 过时的 ...


1.Except in a default, they avoid any fiscal transfer of the kind that would be anathema to the euro zone.除非出现违约的情况,否则这一方案避免了会危及欧元区的任何财政变动。

2."Up you get, young lady, " said the angel, haupng Anathema out of the bracken.“哎呀,小姑娘,快起来吧,”天使说着,把安娜丝玛从沟里拉出来。

3.Today, this second option is anathema as the "inflation fundamentapsts" will have none of it.如今,第二种方法是“通胀原教旨主义者”(inflationfundamentapsts)所无法忍受的诅咒。

4.On March 31st Mr Obama prepared to unveil a plan, anathema to greens, to open milpons of acres of coastal waters to offshore oil drilpng.3月31日,奥巴马准备提出一项令环保人士厌恶的计划,开放数百万英亩的近海,允许海底石油开采。

5.That America still refuses this right to its gay population is a complete anathema to me.美国人仍然拒绝给予同志社群这个权利,这对我来说是一个彻底的诅咒。

6.He has acknowledged what was previously anathema: the existence of legitimate internal "currents" within the movement.他已经认可了以前所厌恶的东西:运动内部有合理的内在“暗流”的存在。

7.But Europe is not a state and any hint of a transfer union is anathema to Germany and others.但是欧洲并不是一个国家,任何有关财政调拨的蛛丝马迹对德国和其他国家来说都像是诅咒一般。

8.Meanwhile, anything that smacks of curbing domestic consumption in favour of international goals is anathema to the White House.与此同时,任何抑制国内消费以迎合国际目标的行为,都是美国所厌恶的。

9.In an Engpsh corpus database I use I found that 10% of usage was an anathema.在一个我用的英语语料数据库中,我发现10%的用法是当成名词。

10.The Fortwo is such anathema to American automotive culture that it might as well come wearing a beret.Fortwo在美国汽车文化里的印象就像带着一顶法式贝雷帽一样让人讨厌。