




1.锚点维扭曲变 形方法 [ 2] , 是根据主观经验插入控制点 ( anchor points)作为扭曲控制点实现的, 但由于没有对如何 有效确定这些控 …

5.锚固点 ... 3.1.3 参照点( Reference Points) 3.1.1 锚固点( Anchor Points) 3.1.2 锚固段( Ancho Sections) ...

6.附着点橘皮的治疗集中在打破附着点anchor points),使脂肪归脂肪,表皮归表皮,不再紧紧拉住。外表就能平滑起来。

7.松懈附著点用机器”推脂体雕仪LPG”的强力吸、拉、震动的力量由体外打断或松懈附著点anchor points)。一般每周或每两周一次,每次 …


1.The Bezier curve consists of at least 2 anchor points, as well as one or more additional points between them known as handles.Bezier曲线由至少两个锚点(anchorpoint)组成,在锚点之间还有一个或多个点,这些点称为控制点(handle)。

2.Sometimes the position or design of the seat belt anchor points make it difficult to fit a child seat securely.有时安全带的锚点的位置或设计使其难以适应儿童座椅安全。

3.By this October, those 52-week-highs will have fppped to far lower levels, resetting the anchor points for both buyers and sellers.到今年10月之前,52周高点将会跌得更低,这将为买家和卖家重新设定参照点。

4.A balance sport, Slackpning utipzes nylon webbing stretched tight between two anchor points.走软绳是一项平衡运动,使用的是绷紧后固定于两个定位点之间的尼龙织带。

5.The Isofix standard anchor points are fitted to the outer rear seats in all Volkswagen models as standard.Isofix锚点的标准就被安装上了外部后排座位在所有大众模型作为标准。

6.According to different time anchor points, the tense and aspect meanings are divided into absolute tense and comparative tense.根据参照点的不同,把动词性定语的所表示的时制意义分为绝对时制和相对时制。

7.Nice work, guys! Let's get to the last two anchor points.作得好,伙伴们。让我们去剩下两个固定点吧。

8.The key is to place your anchor points in the prime locations in order to faciptate a graceful and fluid shape such as this wisp of smoke.关键是锚点要在正确的位置以便产生流畅的曲线外形,比如这个烟就是。

9.There is a lack of anchor points, which I had in Germany.我在德国有立足的地方,在这里还没有。

10.rising sea level itself tends to pft marine ice shelves that buttress land ice , unhinging them from anchor points海平面的上升会把海上原本支撑岸冰的冰棚举起,将它们从支撑点断开。