




1.一个 All -Star: 全明星。 And one: 加罚。 arc: 三分线。 ...

3.加罚一球 blocking foul 阻挡犯规 and one 加罚一球 over back foul 推人犯规 ...

4.打进加罚 upfake 投篮时的假动作 and one 打进加罚,既加罚 Squad 五人组 ...

5.投进而且加罚 ... 把球投进篮筐1. put the ball in the basket 投进而且加罚1. and one 把某人投进监狱1. throw sb in prison ...

6.既加罚 upfake 投篮时的假动作 and one 打进加罚,既加罚 Squad 五人组 ...

7.篮球术语 ... Gas( 嘥「嘅士」) And one篮球术语,入球两分外再加一个罚球) Alley-opp( 篮球术语,淩空接应队友 …

8.飞龙 勇敢的心 go for it 飞龙 and one 终结者 LifeCoder ...


1.I gave a talk recently to a number of portal practitioners at a conference, and one of my core recommendations was the idea of code reviews.最近在一次会议上,我为许多门户专业人员做了一个报告,我的核心建议之一就是代码检查的思想。

2.There was just a piece of loose-leaf on the stairs labelled "Deceased Female" and one on the kitchen floor labelled "Deceased Male. "在厨房的地板上有另一张写着“男死者。”

3.The complaint said the two planned to take guns from a store in Jackson, Tenn. , and one of the men had a sawed-off 12-gauge shotgun.控状称,两名嫌疑人计划从田纳西州Jackson的一家枪支商店劫枪,其中一人拥有一支短款12号霰弹枪。

4.It's an exploration and a conversation between the viewer and one of the industry's luminaries, depvered with wit, depth, and provocation.它是一种探索,他是与观众的一次促膝交谈,是行业的灯塔,富含智慧、深度和启发。

5.Just a second. Let me check. Mr Hawkins, we only have one single room and one double room.请稍等,我查一查。霍金斯先生,我们只剩一间单人房和一间双人房。

6.Among the flurry of deals were the pstings of three of the world's largest financial institutions and one of its biggest industrial firms.这些频繁的交易包括运作三家世界上最大的金融机构和一家最大的产业公司的上市。

7.In her speech, He said team leaders had summed up their Athens performance as "one old, one young and one breakthrough. "在何的讲话中,他说代表团的领队已经将他们的雅典比赛总结为“一老,一新,一个突破。”

8.And one of the genes, ROMK, has turned out to be a particularly promising target for new high blood pressure therapy.其中一个基因ROMK成为新型高血压治疗的一个特别有前途的靶基因。

9.I had asked Dale to do it because he was a fine trial lawyer, a careful student of the Constitution, and one of the best orators in America.我请戴尔作结案陈词是因为他是个很好的出庭辩护律师,对宪法有深入的研究,而且是美国最好的演说家之一。

10.and one side at the bottom of the book shelf is provided with a roller which can move the book shelf through the roller.所述书架在底部的一侧具有滚轮装置,能通过所述滚轮装置将书架移动。