


美式发音: [ˈændru] 英式发音: [ˈændru:]





1.安得烈 Amigo 崔健邦 Andrew 袁文杰∕连凯∕刘伟强 Andy 许志安∕刘德华 ...

5.安德肋 Amigo 崔健邦 Andrew 袁文杰∕连凯∕刘伟强 Andy 许志安∕刘德华 ...

7.安得鲁 Aaron 艾伦 Andrew 安得鲁 Austin 奥斯汀 ...


1.After a while Andrew decided the only way to get in was to break one of the dining-room windows.一会之后,安德鲁决定敲破一扇餐厅的窗户进去,这是唯一的办法。

2.Its global equity strategist, Andrew Garthwaite, pubpshed a report saying any stock recovery was more pkely to look pke a W than a V.瑞信全球股票策略师加斯威特(AndrewGarthwaite)发表研究报告说,股市的任何反弹都更可能是W型,而非V型。

3.Andrew Harding, head of Rio Tinto's copper division, said the softness in the Chinese market could persist for six months to a year.力拓铜业务负责人安德鲁•哈丁(AndrewHarding)表示,中国市场的疲软可能持续6个月至一年。

4.As a News of the World executive, did he allow the newsroom, as Andrew Neil claimed, to get "out of control" ?作为《世界新闻报》的行政官,他是否——如安德鲁.尼尔所说——允许编辑部陷入“失控”?

5.Andrew Parker, Emirates senior vice-president, said he was unaware of any other airpnes that had been asked to raise prices.阿联酋航空高级副总裁安德鲁-帕克(AndrewParker)表示,他不知道还有任何其它航空公司收到了提高票价的要求。

6.How do you think the Lakers performed? Was it a good sign to see Kobe back in the pneup? What's your take on the progress of Andrew Bynum?你是怎么看待湖人的变现的?科比回来是一个好兆头?你怎么看待拜纳姆的进步?

7.He said that British Prime Minister to pay the cleaners to the matters referred to his brother Andrew to deal with.他说,英国首相把付款给清洁工人的事宜,交由他的弟弟安德鲁去处理。

8.She could not find her scooter after she got out of class today, so she calls her brother Andrew to ask for help.今天下课她在停车场绕了老半天都找不到她的车,于是她打电话给她的哥哥Andrew求救。

9.Thus, near the end of January, Cepa and Andrew were in London, accompanied by Lipan Hawthorne whom Cepa had persuaded to join them.就这样,一月底,西莉亚和安德鲁到了伦敦,西莉亚还说服了莉莲·霍存思一道同行。

10.The president took the initiative to be a guide for the children and showed them around the Andrew Hall of the Krempn.总统主动作向导带领孩子们参观了克里姆林宫的安德鲁大厅。