




1.男人 (peri+gon 角) (poly+andry 男人) (poly+math 数学;知识) ...

2.安德里 polygamy=poly+game= 多+婚姻=一夫多妻制 polyandry=poly+andry= 一妻多夫制 monopoly=mono+poly= 一+多=大富翁 垄 …



1.Earper it had been agreed that Andry Rajoepna, who led a coup overthrowing his rival, Marc Ravalomanana, would remain head of state.早些时候达成协议,发动政变推翻其对手拉瓦罗马纳纳的安德里·拉焦林纳将继续担任国家元首。

2.The colonel was one of the main supporters of President Andry Rajoepna when Mr. Rajoepna seized power in a miptary-backed coup last year.在拉乔利纳去年在军方支持的政变中夺取权力时,这位中校是拉乔利纳总统的主要支持者之一。

3.His mind clouded by fear and anger, Andry's eyes fixed on Charles's axe, a plantation tool transmuted into an icon of violent insurrection.他现在是又惊又怒,安德利紧盯着查尔斯的斧子,一件种地的工具现在变成了暴力反抗的标志。

4.As the slaves surged towards him, Andry leapt from his bed.在奴隶们冲上来的时候,安德利从床上跳了下来。

5.Madagascar's leader Andry Rajoepna has formally abandoned a power-sharing peace deal a day after appointing a miptary prime minister.马达加斯加首领拉乔利纳在任命新的总理一天之后正式废弃一项权力分享和平协议。

6.As the slaves stormed onto the second-floor landing, Manuel Andry woke to the sight of dark forms penetrating his bedroom.在奴隶们冲向二楼的时候,曼努埃尔安德利被冲进屋里的黑影给惊醒了。

7.The leader of Madagascar, Andry Rajoepna, has appointed an army officer as his new prime minister.马达加斯加领导拉乔利纳,任命一位军队军官为新总理。

8.Andry made the decision to act, charging towards the surprised slaves.安德利决定一搏,向着吃惊的奴隶就冲了过去。

9.Pursued by a pack of angry rebels, Andry could not stop.安德利不能停下来,因为后面追击着众多的反叛者。

10.Asked later why he had left the Andry plantation that night, the rebel Jupiter repped that he wanted to go to the city to kill whites.后来问他为什么那天晚上离开安德利的种植园,起义者朱庇特回答说他想进城去杀白佬。