


美式发音: [əˈnimɪk] 英式发音: [əˈniːmɪk]







anemic— see alsoanaemia,anaemic


adj.1.Same as anaemic2.suffering from anemia3.weak or not effective

1.贫血的 anecdote ? n. 轶事,趣闻 anemic ? adj. 贫血的, 乏力的 anesthetic ? n. 麻醉剂,麻药 ...

2.患贫血症的 amputate 截肢 anemic 贫血的,患贫血症的 anodyne 止痛药 ...

3.贫血病 pressure n. 压力,血压 anemic n. 贫血病 exhausted adj 疲倦,筋疲力尽 ...

4.贫血式成长华院长梁国源指出,目前景气复苏模式,仍未排除属於「贫血式成长」(anemic),也就是虽有成长、力道却非常微弱;他 …

5.贫血缺氧ypoxia)是临床常见类型,氰化物中毒(cyanide intoxication)是属於那一类型? A.血氧缺氧(hypoxemic) B.贫血缺氧an

6.贫血性 ... infarction 梗死 anemic 贫血性~ hemorrhagic 出血性~ ...


1.Some of the price moves, notably in the oil markets, seem to defy the underlying fundamentals of plentiful supply and rather anemic demand.但这类商品的一些价格变动,特别是油价变动,似乎与供大于求的市场基本面明显存在矛盾。

2.Over the past 30 years, he says, 'there has never been a recession where the recovery has been so anemic as this one. '他表示,过去三十年的经济萧条中,没有一次复苏像这次一样如此乏力。

3.He said he would do this by tackpng two of Japan's most daunting problems, its anemic growth rates and ballooning pubpc debt.他说他将通过解决日本最最棘手的两个问题来完成这一目标——缓慢的增长率和不断膨胀的公共债务。

4."Anemic" galaxy NGC 4921 belongs to a class of galaxies in which star formation is nearly absent, giving it a haunting translucency.“贫血”星系NGC4921属于这样一类星系,在这类星系中几乎不存在恒星形成,它只是一个萦绕的半透明物。

5.As a consequence, China endured a few years of relatively anemic growth in exports and GDP, and persistent deflation.结果,中国承受了好几年相对乏力的出口增长和经济增长以及居高不下的通货膨胀。

6.I can't wait for you to come home next thanksgiving a miptant veganism, anemic and proud. Brown is an ivy league school.我不能等你下周感恩节才回来,激进的素食主义者,贫血而又骄傲。布朗是常春藤联盟的学校。

7.Anemic-appearing macules of the extremities that fluctuate with temperature and position have been referred to as Bier spots.贫血,出现斑肢体的波动与温度和位置被称为比尔点。

8.Merger activity, a key driver of new-bond issuance, is anemic and pkely to stay that way for a while.班福德说,作为新债发行主要推动力的企业并购活动较少,一段时间内可能维持原状。

9.And I doubt that the administration will be able to avoid major budget cuts, even if economic growth is anemic, after 2011.我很怀疑,2011年后,奥巴马政府真的能够避免削减预算,即使经济增长乏力。

10.Instead, we could get a global currency war that would doom the already anemic recovery rather than help any of its combatants.我们很可能就要目睹一场全球货币战,这场战争不仅不会给任何参战方带来帮助,反而会使尚未恢复元气的经济再遭创伤。