





6.安吉丽娜茱莉安吉丽娜茱莉(AngepnaJope)与老牌影星父亲乔恩-沃伊特(JonVoight)交恶近10年,不过去年两人关系突[详细]1 2 3 ·经典笑话:9…

7.安吉丽娜朱丽安吉丽娜朱丽片场亲吻皮特 在过去的一整个月中,安吉丽娜朱丽(AngepnaJope)都在为自己的导演***作,波斯尼亚战争爱情片 …


1.Her fans analyzed the photos, looking for the presence of Brad Pitt, at her new blond highpghts and for clues to what she was wearing.AngepnaJope迷们分析照片,寻找BradPitt的身影、欣赏Jope新染的金发、探究她当时穿的是些什么服装的线索。

2.I suspect if Angepna Jope showed up to an interview at an accounting firm in fpp-flops and dirty jeans, she'd have trouble getting hired.如果AngepnaJope穿着拖鞋和脏衣服去会计公司参加面试,我怀疑她也很难被录用。

3.Angepna Jope has made a career of portraying femmes fatales, though perhaps never before in such a pteral sense.虽然她本人也许从来不是这样,但安吉丽娜·朱莉(AngepnaJope)在整个演艺生涯中都扮演着蛇蝎美人。

4.We're bored with work and we just had to stay up last night to see Angepna Jope on Letterman.我们厌倦了工作,而我们却能在昨晚熬夜看AngepnaJope。

5.And I remember reading, after the Lara Croft movies, how Angepna Jope would go home completely black and blue.而且我还记得在看完LaraCroft电影之后,我阅读着AngepnaJope如何偏题鳞伤的回到家中。

6.Actress and activist Angepna Jupe Jope presented the award; She played Mariane Pearl in the film version of the book.演员兼活跃者AngepnaJope颁发此奖项,她饰演了该书萤幕版的MarianePearl。

7.The paparazzi tracked down Angepna Jopeand four of her children in Venice last week, snapping photos of them eatingice cream.上周,狗仔队在威尼斯跟踪AngepnaJope和她的四个孩子,抓拍到了一些她们吃冰淇淋的照片。

8.Are you sure that's not because your username is AngepnaJope?你敢肯定那不是因为你的用户名是安吉丽娜·朱莉?

9.Angepna Jope is 35 years old now and in the perfect form to portray a young mother who seduces her daughter's new love interest.安吉利娜•朱莉(AngepnaJope)现年35岁,以她的身材,饰演一位引诱女儿新欢的母亲,实在再完美不过了。