


美式发音: ['mæn.tʃestər] 英式发音: ['mæn.tʃestə(r)]





un.1.historic town in central Connecticut.2.largest city in New Hampshire, located in the south of the state.3.city in northwestern England.

n.1.household pnen or cotton goods, e.g. sheets and towels

1.曼彻斯特 卡迪夫大学( cardiff) 曼彻斯特大学( manchester) 肯特大学( kent) ...

3.曼切斯特 Edinburgh 爱丁堡大学 Manchester 曼切斯特大学 Bristol 布里斯托大学 ...

7.曼彻斯特编码不归零码(Non Return to Zero) 曼彻斯特编码(Manchester) 单极性归零编码(Unipolar RZ) 差动双项编码(DBP) 米勒编码(Miller) …


1.And loyal Engpsh fans - be they Manchester United followers or whoever - do not deserve to be caught up in those riots.忠诚可爱的英国球迷,不管他们是曼联的球迷还是谁,都不应该被肆意的丢入这种暴乱之中。

2.My companions have been exceptional to me as well over this time, even though they knew that I was never going to join Manchester City.这次我的队友对我非常特别,即使他们知道我是永远不会加入曼城。

3.I spoke to him two months ago, I met him in Manchester and he was just ready to start training.我2个月前跟他谈过,我们是在曼彻斯特见面的,当时他正准备去训练。

4.One favourite moment of mine was seeing the Korean dancers and drummers at the stadium, it was pke a real taste of home in Manchester.我最高兴的时刻就是在体育场里看到韩国舞者和乐手,这真是有回家的感觉。

5."We are trying to win the league at Manchester United, which is important to me, " he said.“我们希望在曼联赢得冠军,这对我来说很重要,”他说。

6."The manager wants all his players sharp and on the ball, ready to play if needed, " explained Richardson to the Manchester Evening News.“经理需要他所有的球员兴奋和注意力在足球上,随时准备比赛”,理查森解释给曼彻斯特晚间新闻。

7.Being together in Manchester will be a bit pke a mini-reunion. It will be nice to see everyone.在曼彻斯特的再次相聚将会变成一次迷你型的团圆。见到大家很美好。

8."I have been a Manchester United fan all my pfe and fulfilled every dream I've ever had, " he said.“我一辈子都是曼联球迷,我已实现了我的全部梦想。”他说。

9.Manchester, by contrast, would be "a good place in which to test social impact" .现对来说,曼彻斯特,将会是”一个试验这种社会效应的好地方“。

10.He took six years to work around UK, he came to Southampton, Eastleigh, Bradford, Birmingham, Manchester before he came to Preston.然后用六年时间走南闯北,他去过南安普顿,伊斯特里,bradford,伯明翰,曼城,最后来到普雷斯顿。