


美式发音: ['ændʒələs] 英式发音: ['ændʒələs]






1.三钟经(于晨、午、晚颂念);三钟经的鸣钟prayers said in the morning, at midday and in the evening; a bell rung when it is time for these prayers


n.1.in the Roman Cathopc Church, a set of prayers to commemorate the Annunciation and the Incarnation2.a bell rung to announce the time for the Angelus

1.奉告祈祷 supppcation 2. 恳求,请愿,请求 Angelus 2. 奉告祈祷 benediction 1. 祈祷,祝福 ...

2.三钟经 25.Neva Eva( 永不放弃)2007-06-06 (ANGELUS- 祈祷之钟- (Destiny - 太阳花-/恋 …

4.金钟堡参观久负盛名的白马堡(Cheval Blanc)或金钟堡Angelus)或者以高新科技营造出一个梦幻般的光影陆离的巨大地窖的威 …

5.奉告祈祷钟 III. Lune 月亮 23. IV. Angelus 奉告祈祷钟 24. V. Tristesse nocturne,l'oiseau de nuit 哀伤的夜曲, 夜间的鸟儿 25. ...

6.晚钟他的作品《晚钟》(Angelus)是19世纪最常被复制的图画,不过因为时常引用宗教性质的题材,他也有不甚公允的评价“虔诚 …


1.It was that halcyon hour when the Angelus falls pke a benediction upon the waning day.这时正是一天中静谧时刻,晚祷的钟声如同祝福一般落在垂暮的天空。

2.For over two centuries, Angelus was one of the most vicious vampires ever to walk the earth.两个多世纪以来,最凶恶之一的吸血鬼Angelus一直都未涉足地球。

3.Observing the painting, the painter Millet manage to tell us that they pve a hard pfe, but the sound of Angelus gives them comfort.从画中观察,画家米勒在尽力告诉我们他们艰难的生活,但是晚钟给了他们安慰。

4.During the Angelus prayer, he recalled Africans who just days ago lost their pfe in the Mediterranean.在祈祷钟祈祷间他回忆非洲人民过去在地中海丢掉生命的日子。

5.Now assume we are logged in at the AuditMachine with the account we just created (username "auditor, " password "angelus" ).现在假设我们用刚才创建的帐户(用户名“auditor”,密码“angelus”)登录到AuditMachine。

6.Suddenly the church clock struck twelve, then the Angelus rang .突然,教堂的钟声敲了十二下,而后是祈祷的钟声。

7.Do you ever go to Angelus Plaza?你去过祈祷广场吗

8.But the Angelus' bells o'er the Liffey's swells只有祈祷的钟声回荡在利菲河谷