


美式发音: [ˈpleɪˌbɪl] 英式发音: ['pleɪ.bɪl]






1.戏剧海报a printed notice advertising a play

2.戏单;戏剧演出节目单a theatre programme


n.1.a printed advertisement for a play

1.海报 海拔〖 elevation;heightabovesealevel〗 海报〖 bill;playbill;poster〗 海豹〖 seal〗 ...

2.节目单 signature 签名 playbill 节目单: reprehensible 应该斥责的: ...

3.戏单 戏场〖 theatre〗 戏单,戏单儿〖 playbill〗 戏法〖 conjuring;tricks〗 ...

4.演出海报 广告海报: show bill; 演出海报playbill; 电影海报: film bill ...

5.音乐剧巡礼 Play by Ear 周末随想 Playbill 音乐剧巡礼 Recording History 录音话当年 ...

6.海报体 ... 洛克维尔体 Rockwell 海报体 Playbill 维恩塔体 Vienta ...

7.戏剧节目单 Bravo |精采每一刻 Playbill |电影海报 illustration |插图 ...


1.Throughout the land appeal peace, opposed that war's playbill is all the rage the whole world for a while.全国各地呼吁和平,反对战争的海报一时风靡全球。

2.The pubpc welfare playbill charm and the influence increasingly are valued world designers and the favour.公益海报的魅力与影响力愈来愈受到全世界设计师们的重视和青睐。

3.These hang a flag then post in indoor may also in outside, is different in the market the common playbill, he by clear.这些挂旗即可张贴在室内也可在室外,不同于市场上常见的海报,他以一目了然。

4.She acknowledged that movie's playbill is they intercepts from the movie manufactures.她承认,电影的海报是他们从影片中截取而制作的。

5.Oh my gosh, I saw in the playbill that you played Alyx Vance!天啊,我在海报上看到你演过爱莉克斯。凡斯!

6.The kopeck when obtains the playbill displays is excited.科比在得到海报时表现的非常兴奋。

7.What 's on the rostrum? Some books and playbill.讲台上有什么?有些书和海报。

8.Look at the huge playbill in the park, children and adults come to take a photo continuously.看那公园里宏大地海报雕像前,不时地有小孩或年夜人过来摄影纪念。

9.He is putting up a playbill.他在贴海报。

10.In the university, my hobby is the hard pen and the drawing, I give the courtyard am the picture playbill responsibly.在大学里,我的爱好是硬笔和绘画,我负责给院系画海报。