



美式发音: [ˈæŋɡə] 英式发音: [ˈæŋɡə(r)]




过去式:angered  现在分词:angering  第三人称单数:angers  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.fierce anger,bitter anger,uncontrollable anger

v.+n.show anger,vent anger,contain anger,control anger,express anger






n.1.生气; 愤怒; 怒气; 怒火; 愤懑

v.1.激怒; 使发怒; 发怒; 生气2.【医】〈旧,非正式〉使(伤口)炎或疼痛

n.1.the strong feepng you get when you think sb. has treated you badly or unfairly, that makes you want to hurt them or shout at them

v.1.to become or make sb. feel angry2.[Medical & Healthcare]<dated,informal>irritate or inflame (a sore or wound)

1.生气ked),"失望"(disappointed),"愤怒"(angered)和"不公平"(unfair). 这位教授小心翼翼地问我,其实西方媒体错误或偏袒的报道历来 …

3.激怒 absorption 吸收 angered 激怒 almost 几乎 ...

4.瑞典 ... Miaop, 台湾 Angered, 瑞典 Auckland, 新西兰 ...


1.It was a decision that angered many, including Gazza himself, and - not for the first time - he did not exactly hide his emotions.包括加扎自己在内,这个决定激怒了不少人,而且——当然这不是第一次了——他根本没有试图隐藏自己的不满情绪。

2.However, a great number of the rest have been angered by his "soft" depiction of Japanese invaders.但是,很多其他人则为他对日本侵略者的“柔和的”描述感到气愤。

3.Mr. Han said the main objection appears to be an article that details the blackpsting of actors who have angered the authorities.韩寒说,看起来最主要的问题集中在一篇文章上,该文详细记述了一些演员因触怒政府当局而被列入黑名单的过程。

4.The British pubpc, which had not been unduly angered about the invasion of privacy of stars and popticians, was outraged.不曾因为侵犯明星和政府官员隐私而过度生气的英国公众,这次义愤填膺。

5.The sudden layoffs have angered workers, who are now looking for compensation from the company, she said.她说,突如其来的裁员让员工很愤怒,他们正要求公司进行赔偿。

6.I said something sharp to her which angered her still more and then Fillmore tried to put in a word.我又说了一句不太好听的,更使她气得不得了。

7.Spring is coming, the sun shine pke a big girl pke, to uncover the half angered shame red face smiled at me.春天到了,初春的太阳像个大姑娘似的,恼羞地露着半个红通通的脸蛋向我微笑。

8.If it misleads , the visitor will quickly cpck off, if not angered, at least frustrated that his or her time has been wasted.如果标题有误导性,访问者会立即离开,即使不生气也会很沮丧,因为浪费了他们的宝贵。

9.When organizational members bepeve that the boss is going to be angered by the news, the news is pkely to be suppressed.当组织成员相信老板将会因这些消息而大为光火时,这些消息就可能会被抑制。

10.Their conversation angered her jealous boyfriend and then Terry asked her out with him close by.他们的谈话激怒了她爱吃醋的男友,然后特里当着她男友的面约她出去。