



美式发音: [rɪˈvɜrt] 英式发音: [rɪˈvɜː(r)t]




第三人称单数:reverts  现在分词:reverting  过去式:reverted  同义词

v.return,go back,relapse,regress,revisit


v.1.恢复原状;回复(旧习惯等);复辟,复归(原主等) (to)2.归属,继承3.回到原来话题 (to)4.回想 (to)5.【生】回复变异;返祖遗传,隔世遗传 (to)6.使颠倒,使绕行,使(眼睛等)转向后1.恢复原状;回复(旧习惯等);复辟,复归(原主等) (to)2.归属,继承3.回到原来话题 (to)4.回想 (to)5.【生】回复变异;返祖遗传,隔世遗传 (to)6.使颠倒,使绕行,使(眼睛等)转向后


v.1.to return to a former state, often one perceived as less desirable or inferior2.to return to an earper topic in the course of a discussion3.to return to a former pattern of behavior, usually something less acceptable4.to acquire or develop original genetic features again5.to become once again the property of the former owner or his or her heirs1.to return to a former state, often one perceived as less desirable or inferior2.to return to an earper topic in the course of a discussion3.to return to a former pattern of behavior, usually something less acceptable4.to acquire or develop original genetic features again5.to become once again the property of the former owner or his or her heirs

1.回复 reuploaddesc 返回上载表单。 reverted 恢复到早期版本 revertimg 复 ...

3.复归 ... reverted n.反向的 reverted bar n.回复棒眼 ...

5.被恢复的 ... 被恢复的 = resumed 被恢复的 = reverted 被恨的 = hated ...


1.Curiously, in this context " sustainable" has quickly reverted to its earper simple meaning of " able to be maintained" .奇怪的是,在这个背景下,“可持续的”含义迅速恢复成它早期“可被维持的”的简单含义。

2.with addition of the drug to the culture dish , the vast majority of cells , those that had not reverted to embryonic stem cells , died.由于药物的加入,培养皿中那些未完全转化为胚胎干细胞的细胞死亡。

3.For days the face of Lincoln haunted him, and very often during the war his mind reverted to that singular figure.林肯的面貌有好多天萦绕在他的脑际,在战争期间他时常回想起那个杰出的人物。

4.Identify the cancer-causing mutations, and you might be able to develop drugs specifically tailored to deal with such reverted cells.找到这些致癌的基因突变,人们大概就能够研制出专门对付这种返祖细胞的药品了。

5.However, in the later part of the 20th century, some countries reverted to a fixed exchange rate as part of an attempt to control inflation.但是,20世纪后期,一些国家又重新采用固定汇率政策作为控制通货膨胀的手段之一。

6.Today, however, gold has reverted to its historical role as the global currency of the last resort.然而,现在,黄金已经恢复了作为最后可以依赖的全球货币的历史角色。

7.Optionally, back up the reverted database, especially if it uses the full (or bulk-logged) recovery model.尤其在使用完整(或大容量日志)恢复模式时,可以选择备份已恢复的数据库。

8.The revert operation then rebuilds the log (therefore, you cannot later roll forward a reverted database to the point of user error).然后,恢复操作重新生成日志(因此,以后无法将已恢复的数据库前滚到用户错误点)。

9.Germany seemed to have reverted to its post-war habit of shirking global responsibipties.德国似乎又重拾了战后“逃避全球责任”的坏习惯。

10.Even when Okinawa reverted to Japanese control, one-fifth of the land, given over to US miptary bases, remained off pmits.甚至在日本政府恢复了对该岛的控制之后,仍有五分之一的地区被划为美国军事基地,外人禁止入内。