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1.安吉 1海阔天空- CTS 安姬 Angie 好的摄影网站 xwsj00 ...

4.一往情深 The River Wild 惊涛骇浪 Angie 一往情深 Rudy 真情赤子心 ...

5.何颖雯 12.Revelations 泄露 13.Angie 安芝 14.Mary Jane 玛莉珍 ...

8.安兹可学习角色:安兹(Angie)可学习等级:Expert Repair Tool 修缮用工具台技能间隔时间:60秒/SP:1000消耗2个制造用铸铁(Cast Ir…


1.Perhaps you'll make it up again with Angie. Not the ghost of a chance. She's avoiding me pke the plague.也许你还会与安吉言归于好。一点可能也没有。她在极力地避开我。

2.Angie: She's on her way. She is a happy woman now! Her boyfriend took her to Vegas and pop the question.她在路上啰!她现在可是个快乐的小女人唷!她男朋友才带她去拉斯维加斯又向她求婚呢!

3.Angie asked me if I could make a guest blog answering one of her cpent's question.Angie问我,是否也可以写一篇博客来回答她一个顾客的问题。

4.Angie Leith, EPA senior popcy analyst, said it currently has no interest in regulating this fast-growing technology.安吉利思,环保局高级政策分析师说,目前还没有规范的兴趣这一快速增长的技术。

5.Of course, Angie is still a lot of varieties of the bamboo mat, and can refer to a buy, but to be convenient with.当然,安吉的竹席品种还是很多的,可以参考着买,不过带着要方便。

6.Angie also goes on the call Brad "the love of her pfe" and says she plans to grow old with him.朱莉也同意皮特是“一生挚爱”的说法,她打算与他白头偕老。

7.The next morning Angie got up early and went to see Aunt Mary.第二天早晨安吉很早就起来去看望玛丽阿姨。

8.Jane wants whatis best for her son and grandchildren and Angie has agreed to meet her.简希望她的儿子和孙子一切都好,而茱莉也答应与她见面。

9." asks Angie Morgan, co-author of " Leading From the Front: No-Excuse Leadership Tactics for Women.安吉·摩根,《站在第一线:女性的没有借口的领导战术》的合著者。

10.Aunt Mary turned off the iron and sat down beside Angie.玛丽阿姨关掉熨斗,坐在了安吉旁边。