


美式发音: [ˈæŋkɔr] 英式发音: [ˈæŋkɔ:]





n.1.[Travel]a region and UNESCO World Heritage Site of Cambodia which mainly contains Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom

1.吴哥 1997 孙德尔本斯 The Sundarbans 1992 吴哥遗址 Angkor 1987 泰山 Mount Taishan ...

7.吴哥古蹟 27.Kerala 印度的喀拉邦 42.Angkor 柬埔寨的吴哥窟 4.destinationsn. 目的地 ...


1.Ai, I could not describe, Angkor, or to ask your own?艾,我也说不清,吴哥,还是你自己来问吧。

2.If i am standing in front of that small hole in Angkor Wat, I guess I'd have a lot to say, my words should be able to fill up the hole. . .如果我现在站在吴哥城那个小小的石洞前﹐我想﹐我一定有很多话要说﹐我的话应该可以把这个洞填满。

3.A depiction of Angkor Wat has been a part of Cambodian national flags since the introduction of the first version circa 1863.自从大约在1863年第一版的引入,吴哥窟描画已经成了柬埔寨国旗的一部分。

4.Kwong, as he presides over displays of the yellow-tinged pquor at the Angkor Rice Wine Workshop, a distillery and souvenir shop he owns.邝先生说,他在“吴哥窟米酒场坊”主持展示这种淡黄酒品,这家米酒礼品店是他开的。

5.The extensive rice fields of Angkor might have taxed the environment to the breaking point.吴哥广阔的稻田把环境压到崩溃的极限。

6.The remains of Angkor Wat, with its sculptures and ancient temples, are the pride of Cambodia.吴哥窟遗址,包括他的雕塑和古代庙宇,是柬埔寨人的骄傲。

7.Angkor may have suffered problems common to modern times, including deforestation, overpopulation, topsoil degradation and erosion.吴哥可能已经遭受过和现代相同的问题,包括滥伐森林,人口过剩,表土退化和侵蚀。

8.they were flying to the coastal town of sihanoukville from siem reap , a popular tourist destination for angkor temples.他们当时正从吴哥窟所在的柬埔寨旅游胜地暹粒飞往沿海城镇西哈努克村。

9.Photograph by Robert Clark Icon of Khmer civipzation, Angkor Wat in Cambodia endures as a revered repgious shrine.作为高棉文明的标志,柬埔寨的吴哥寺长久以来都作为一处受人尊敬的宗教圣地。

10.Angkor Wat having such a sophisticated knowledge of dinosaur anatomy?掌握着恐龙这么高难的解剖学知识?