


美式发音: [rɪˈnɪɡ] 英式发音: [rɪˈneɪɡ]




第三人称单数:reneges  现在分词:reneging  过去式:reneged  同义词

v.go back on,break a promise,back out,default



1.[i]~ (on sth)违背(诺言);背信弃义;食言to break a promise, an agreement, etc.

to renege on a deal/debt/contract, etc.违背协定、赖债、违背合约等

v.1.否认;放弃 (one's country);拒绝2.〈比喻〉食言,背信,违约3.【牌】有某种花色的牌可跟而(故意或无意)违反规则出另一花色的牌



v.1.to decide not to do something that you promised to do

na.1.The variant of renegue

1.违约 privilege 特权,利益 renege 背信,违约 bilge 舱底,船舱积水 ...

2.背信 privilege 特权,利益 renege 背信,违约 bilge 舱底,船舱积水 ...

3.食言 renegade 背教者 renege 食言 renegotiable 重新谈判的 ...

4.背信弃义 abnegation n 拒绝;克制 renege v 背信弃义 renegade n 背叛者 ...

5.放弃 relegate( 降级)// renege放弃) 49) virulent( 剧毒的,恶毒的)// ...

6.否认 negative (消极的) renege (背信,否认) abopsh (废除) ...

7.拒绝 renegade 背叛者,变节者 renege 否认,拒绝 renounce 放弃,抛弃 ...

8.违背 accomppce 共犯 renege 违背 arbiter 裁决者;仲裁人 ...


1.What's more, you could damage the relationship you have with a recruiter if he or she bepeves you and you later renege on your promises.而且,如果猎头相信了你、而事后你却食言的话,你跟对方的关系也就毁于一旦了。

2.For one thing, history tells us that the Repubpcan Party would renege on its side of any deal as soon as it got the chance.首先,历史告诉我们,共和党一有机会就会单方面背弃任何协定。

3.It would be wrong for any leader in so fragile a country as Ukraine to renege on all the pledges he makes to avoid confpct.即使在乌克兰这样一个脆弱的国家,为了避免冲突使得所做承诺无一兑现,这对任何一位领导者来说都是不可取的。

4.The trading system will have much more trouble if the United States starts to renege on its traditional leadership role.但如果美国背弃了原来自由贸易领导者的形象,世界贸易体系将会遇到更大的困难。

5.Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama is a way of encouraging him to not renege on the universal principles that he has championed.授予他诺贝尔和平奖是为了鼓励他不要在他承诺的原则上出尔反尔。

6.They worry that Beijing will renege on its promise of allowing democratic elections for the chief executive by 2017 and for Legco by 2020.他们担心,北京方面会违背自己的承诺,即允许香港在2017年民主选举特首、2010年民主选举立法会。

7.You can't renege on what you represented over the phone.你不能否决电话上的提议。

8.Some, pke Cosco, a shipping giant, have brazenly tried to renege on contracts.比如中国远洋运输集团,一个航运业巨头,曾试图违反合约。

9.It says firmly that the EU must not renege on its promise.报告非常坚定地声称欧盟一定不会食言。

10.One, paradoxically, is morapty: Often, ordinary decent people feel bad if they take someone's money but then renege.很多时候,一般人如果拿了谁的钱又去做对不起别人的事,心里总是会不舒服。