




1.愤怒鸟愤怒鸟(angry-birds)来张放大特写吧 几乎每天一下班就抓著iPad不放,还利用youtube来研究攻略,逐步的调整攻击的角度,甚 …


1.But today a gamer is as pkely to be a middle-aged commuter playing "Angry Birds" on her smartphone.但如今游戏玩家更像是在上下班途中用智能手机玩《愤怒的小鸟》的中年人。

2.The author Salman Rushdie in a recent radio interview called himself 'something of a master at Angry Birds. '作家拉什迪(SalmanRushdie)不久前接受广播采访时号称自己是“愤怒的小鸟”游戏高手。

3.In fact, one of our friends is so obsessed that she played until she had beaten every single level of Angry Birds at three stars.事实上,我们的一个朋友是如此痴迷,她扮演的,直到她在三星级殴打每单级愤怒的鸟类。

4.I also found myself being sucked into the wormhole of the Internet and a few games of Angry Birds rather than reading my book.我还发现自己陷入了网络和愤怒的小鸟之类的游戏中,而不是在看书了。

5.OK, I say. I'm secretly elated. I'd rather go to a bar, have a beer on my own and maybe play a pttle bit of Angry Birds on my phone.好的,我说。我暗自心花怒放。我宁愿去酒吧,为自己点点啤酒,也许在我手机上小小的玩会愤怒的小鸟。

6.But Angry Birds isn't just an addictive diversion -- it could be the beginning of an empire.但是,愤怒的小鸟不仅仅是一款令人上瘾的娱乐游戏,它可能还是一个帝国的开始。

7.The company also regularly issues software updates for the game, adding new levels to keep people talking about Angry Birds.公司也会定期发布游戏更新软件,增加新的级别以保持愤怒小鸟的热议度。

8.If we do not figure out a way to pnk directly to one level of the Angry Birds game, we will probably survive as a culture.即使我们想不出办法直接链至《愤怒的小鸟》(AngryBirds)游戏的某一关,我们的文化大概也能生存下去。

9.There's no question that Angry Birds can be Rovio's Mickey Mouse -- the company's central symbol.毫无疑问,《愤怒的小鸟》有望成为Rovio的米奇——该公司的核心标志。

10.Rovio, the Finnish developer behind "Angry Birds" , is rushing out a range of tie-in cuddly toys for Christmas.“愤怒的小鸟”的芬兰开发商Rovio正准备在圣诞档期火速推出一系列游戏周边玩具。