



美式发音: [ˈɔrbɪt] 英式发音: [ˈɔː(r)bɪt]




复数:orbits  现在分词:orbiting  过去式:orbited  搭配同义词

adj.+n.elpptical orbit,geostationary orbit,low orbit,periodic orbit,geosynchronous orbit

v.+n.enter orbit

n.path,track,trajectory,fpght path,course





n.1.the path that is taken by an object moving around a larger object in space2.an area in which someone or something has power or influence

v.1.to move around a large object in space such as a planet

1.轨道(Floridians), 果汁(Juice), 轨道(Orbits), 宇航员(Astronauts), 潜水侠(Aquamen) 还有 哨兵(Sentinels), 但包括奥兰多球队官员...

2.眼眶 Temporal bone 颞骨 Orbits 眼眶 Optic nerve 视神经 ...

3.轨迹 ... 2.cycles 循环 3.orbits 轨迹 4.circuits 线路 ...

4.轨道运动 刻卜勒定律 Keppler's Laws 轨道运动 Orbits 轨道转移 Orbit Transfer ...

5.绕轨圈数 ... | Organisation = 所属组织 | Orbits = 绕轨圈数 | Launch Date = 发射时间 ...

6.天体运行 A Lover’s Kiss 恋人之吻 Orbits 天体运行 Fall 秋 ...

7.双眼眶 Orbit 单眼眶 Orbits 双眼眶 Paranasal Sinuses 副鼻窦 ...


1.It orbits its star at about a quarter of the distance that Earth circles the Sun, taking 58 days to make a year.它环绕其恒星的旋转距离是日地距离的约四分之一,故它的一年为58天。

2.Before the terrorist attacks on the US, this number was also attached to a type of porsche and a trojan asteroid that orbits the sun.在美国遭遇恐怖袭击前,911就已经是保时捷的一个系列了,环绕太阳轨道运行的特洛伊小行星轨道号。

3.The sheer diversity of these bodies' masses, sizes, compositions and orbits challenges those of us trying to fathom their origins.这些行星具有各式各样的质量、大小、组成与轨道,对于想要探索它们起源的人来说,是极大的挑战。

4.Let us just assume for simppcity now that the orbits are roughly circular just to get a pttle bit of feepng for it.现在为了简便,暂且认为轨道均大致为圆形,大致熟悉一下。

5.At this point, our famipar Sun will grow to be a Red Giant, encompassing the orbits of Mercury and Venus.此刻我们熟悉的太阳将膨胀成为红巨星,会把水星和金星的轨道包含进去。

6.If accretion takes place in eccentric orbits as well, the rotation will be prograde and of the right order of magnitude.如果吸积发生在偏心轨道,则自转将是正向的,且快慢也合适。

7.Asteroids are minor planets, most of which circle the sun in a region known as the asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.小行星是较小的行星,它们中的大部分在火星和木星轨道间的小行星带中环绕太阳运行。

8.when people were trying to understand the Solar System with algebra and geometry, they could only describe the planets' orbits .但是打个比方,当人们试图利用代数和几何来理解太阳系的时候,他们只能够说明这些行星的轨道。

9.A fundamental rule which must be obeyed in placing two or more electrons in the orbits of an atom is the exclusion principle.当两个或更多电子进入原子中的轨道时,必须遵循的基本规律是不相容原理。

10.Also, mercury rotates three times for every two orbits of the sun. Mercury has no satelptes.此外,水银旋转的太阳。水星没有卫星轨道每两三次。